
Research-based operational excellence
As new assessment technologies emerge, Pearson psychometricians and research scientists work closely with credential owners to use technology-related capabilities for programs from online practice tests to large-scale, high-stakes proctored exams. Our work ensures we’re producing reliable, effective assessments that provide useful feedback and guide educational and employment decisions.
Innovative design, solution, and implementation
Assessments are becoming more interactive, with a growing number of technology enhanced tasks and performance tasks that allow test takers to apply their knowledge beyond a multiple-choice answer. Our world-class tools, content, products, and services are backed by research and designed to help expand the skills we measure.
Actionable data and reporting
We help gather the right data to use as reliable, valid measures. For educational research this helps inform the resolution of pressing education issues, such as educator effectiveness, student performance and growth, and college and career readiness. In other areas of measurement (professional, admissions, selection, etc.), validity evidence may relate to competency-based arguments and expected performance.
Enhance assessment literacy
Our dependable psychometricians, research scientists, and data analysts are dedicated to providing valid and reliable assessments as well as promoting assessment literacy through working with various stakeholder groups and publications.
Research and advancement in measurement
Through our research initiatives and operational experiences, we’re continuously advancing the field of measurement, its body of knowledge, and tools and practices. Our staff continue to support and advance sound practices for reliable and valid measures.