Campbell Interest and Skill Survey: orientations
The Influencing Orientation focuses on influencing others through leadership, politics, public speaking, sales, and marketing. Influencers like to make things happen. They are often visible because they tend to take charge of activities that interest them. They typically work in organizations where they are responsible for directing activities, setting policies, and motivating people. Influencers are generally confident of their ability to persuade others and they usually enjoy the give-and-take of debating and negotiating. Typical high-scoring individuals include company presidents, corporate managers, school superintendents, sales representatives, and attorneys.
The Organizing Orientation includes activities that bring efficiency, productivity, and organization to the work environment. Organizers typically prefer to work in structured settings where they are responsible for planning, scheduling, supervising, and working with details. Organizers are seen as methodical, steady, reliable workers who display sensible judgment and enjoy solving the day-to-day problems that inevitably occur in organizations. Typical high-scoring individuals include accountants, financial planners, office managers, and administrative assistants.
The Helping Orientation covers teaching, counseling, medical services, and religious activities. Helpers are seen as supportive, nurturing, trusting individuals who value compassion, interpersonal harmony, and service to others. Helpers enjoy solving people's problems and are genuinely concerned with improving the lives of others. Helping occupations usually involve a good deal of close contact with others. Typical high-scoring individuals include counselors, teachers, social workers, and religious leaders.
The Creating Orientation includes artistic, literary, and musical activities such as writing, painting, dancing, and working in the theater. Creators are described as imaginative, clever, inventive, and original. Creators tend to be sources of new and different ideas and enjoy acting, thinking, and speaking in fresh and unusual ways. They tend to be uncomfortable with traditional organizational constraints and prefer work that allows for self-expression. Typical high-scoring individuals include artists, musicians, writers, interior designers, and chefs.
The analyzing Orientation involves scientific, mathematical, statistical, and research activities. People who score high in this area are comfortable with data and numbers and have a strong need to understand the world in a scientific sense. They usually prefer to work alone or in small groups in laboratory or academic settings, solving problems and designing experiments. ANalyzers are generally autonomous and like to work through problems for themselves. Typical high-scoring individuals include scientists, medical researchers, statisticians, computer programmers, and physicians. (This Orientation is labeled with the letter "N" because the letter "A" is used for the Adventuring Orientation.)
The Producing Orientation covers practical, hands-on, "productive" activities such as construction, farming, and skilled and mechanical crafts. People who score high in this area like to work with their hands, generally enjoy being outdoors, and like to be able to see visible results of their labors. Producers are usually good with tools, and they enjoy taking on construction projects, repairing mechanical breakdowns, or managing large outdoor operations. They tend to be rugged, practical, and down-to-earth people. Typical high-scoring individuals include mechanics, farmers, veterinarians, landscape architects, electricians, and carpenters.
The Adventuring Orientation focuses on athletic, police, and military activities involving physical endurance, risk taking, and teamwork. People who score high in this area are robust and vigorous, enjoying physical challenges and competitive outlets. Adventurers are active, energetic, and confident in strenuous or dangerous situations. They also enjoy the opportunity to work with others in skilled, disciplined groups such as athletic teams or military units. Typical high-scoring individuals include military officers, police officers, athletic coaches, emergency medical technicians, and fitness instructors.