One-to-one digital assessment administration

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Begin their success story with digital assessments
Q-interactive®, a complete digital assessment platform designed for psychologists, speech language pathologists, educators, and other professionals, helps to administer, score, and report on a wide range of clinical assessments. Using two iPad® devices, examiners and examinees both enjoy an enhanced assessment experience due to the interactive stimuli, automatic scoring, real-time data capture, and comprehensive reporting that digital assessment provides.
Even better, our new Assess app offers an improved workflow, easier access to our digital assessments, fewer swipes, and greater functionality from a single screen.

Success Stories
Hear from Q-interactive customers about how our digital platforms have improved the way they work.

Survey Results
Our Spring 2023 Customer survey feedback shared valuable insight on how Q-interactive is making users lives easier.

Peruse our webinars page to register for an upcoming session or watch a recording of a previous session.