Social Skills Improvement System overview
Authors: Stephen N. Elliott, PhD & Frank M. Gresham, PhD
Linking assessment results to practical interventions
The Social Skills Improvement System addresses the need for an evidence-based, multi-tiered assessment and intervention system to help you help students develop, improve, and maintain important social skills. It was designed by experienced scientist-practitioners Stephen Elliott, PhD, and Frank Gresham, PhD. This family of tools can be used early in the school year to facilitate the universal screening of students at risk for academic or social behavior difficulties, help plan interventions for improving these behaviors, and evaluate progress on targeted skills after intervention. The SSIS™ focuses on key skills that enable the academic success of students 3–19.

The SSIS family of assessment and intervention tools
Refer to the links below to purchase individual products and kits.

Performance Screening Guide
Offers universal screening of prosocial behaviors, math skills, reading skills, and motivation to learn for all students in an entire classroom in less than 20 minutes.

Classwide Intervention Program
Provides teachers and other professionals social skills instructional scripts and resources for teaching the top 10 skills that are critical to functioning of all students with a classroom.

Rating Scales
Offers a targeted and comprehensive assessment of an individual’s social skills, problem behaviors and academic competence.