
${loserAccounts} been merged into ${winnerAccount}.

A recent audit found these accounts to be duplicative. Addresses, order history and Q-global ordering for both accounts are now accessible via the ${winnerAccount} account. If something isn’t right, please contact us.


${loserAccounts} been merged into ${winnerAccount}.

A recent audit found these accounts to be duplicative. Addresses, qualified users, order history and Q-global ordering for both organizations are now accessible via the ${winnerAccount} account. If something isn’t right, contact us.

For more than a century, the SAT10 has provided a valid and reliable measure of academic achievement toward state and national standards for students in grades K-12. Spanning language, reading, math, science, and social science domains, the SAT10 enables educators and administrators to make important instructional decisions for each student. Co-normed with the OLSAT8, the SAT10 is a multiple-choice assessment that has national norms and is available in print and digital formats. Clear reports show academic strengths in addition to the skills in need of more support. Parents also see home-based activities in each content area. The SAT10 is the most current version of the SAT. See our Guidance on using this assessment remotely.
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Stanford Achievement Test Series | Tenth Edition
SAT10 Manual cover

Stanford Achievement Test Series | Tenth Edition


For more than a century, the SAT10 has provided a valid and reliable measure of academic achievement toward state and national standards for students in grades K-12. Spanning language, reading, math, science, and social science domains, the SAT10 enables educators and administrators to make important instructional decisions for each student. Co-normed with the OLSAT8, the SAT10 is a multiple-choice assessment that has national norms and is available in print and digital formats. Clear reports show academic strengths in addition to the skills in need of more support. Parents also see home-based activities in each content area. The SAT10 is the most current version of the SAT. See our Guidance on using this assessment remotely.

Choose from our products

  • Kits

    Starter & complete kits, print & digital

    13 options

  • Test forms & reports

    Booklets, record forms, answer sheets, report usages & subscriptions

    65 options

  • Support materials

    Manuals, stimulus books, replacement items & other materials

    91 options

  • All products

    All tests & materials offered for SAT10

    161 options

Publication date:
Age range:
Grades K-12 paper, Grades 3-12 online
Percentile Rank, Stanine, GE, and NCE by grade. Achievement/Ability Comparisons when administered with OLSAT8, and Scaled Scores to represent performance on a continuous growth scale and to allow for out-of-level testing situations.
Qualification level:
Completion time:
2.25-5.5 hours (untimed); see Scope & Sequence Chart
Online or paper-and-pencil; individual or group-administered
Form A with 13 levels; Form D with 13 levels for hand scoring only
Scoring options:
Online tests are scored immediately in the platform. Form A paper tests are returned to Pearson for scoring with reports provided in the online platform. Form D paper tests must be scored by hand.
Report options:
See Resources Tab
Fall and Spring grade-based norms, based on the national population of students in the selected norm year.
System requirements:
See Resources Tab
Remote learning guidance