Stanford Achievement Test Series | Tenth Edition
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- Publication date:
- 2018
- Age range:
- Grades K-12 paper, Grades 3-12 online
- Scores/interpretation:
- Percentile Rank, Stanine, GE, and NCE by grade. Achievement/Ability Comparisons when administered with OLSAT8, and Scaled Scores to represent performance on a continuous growth scale and to allow for out-of-level testing situations.
- Qualification level:
- B
- Completion time:
- 2.25-5.5 hours (untimed); see Scope & Sequence Chart
- Administration:
- Online or paper-and-pencil; individual or group-administered
- Forms:
- Form A with 13 levels; Form D with 13 levels for hand scoring only
- Scoring options:
- Online tests are scored immediately in the platform. Form A paper tests are returned to Pearson for scoring with reports provided in the online platform. Form D paper tests must be scored by hand.
- Report options:
- See Resources Tab
- Norms:
- Fall and Spring grade-based norms, based on the national population of students in the selected norm year.
- System requirements:
- See Resources Tab
- Telepractice:
- Remote learning guidance