
${loserAccounts} been merged into ${winnerAccount}.

A recent audit found these accounts to be duplicative. Addresses, order history and Q-global ordering for both accounts are now accessible via the ${winnerAccount} account. If something isn’t right, please contact us.


${loserAccounts} been merged into ${winnerAccount}.

A recent audit found these accounts to be duplicative. Addresses, qualified users, order history and Q-global ordering for both organizations are now accessible via the ${winnerAccount} account. If something isn’t right, contact us.

Millon® College Counseling Inventory (MCCI®) is a multi-dimensional personality assessment that can help address struggling students' concerns and get them back to a healthy state-of-mind. Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.
MCCI Manual

Millon College Counseling Inventory


Millon® College Counseling Inventory (MCCI®) is a multi-dimensional personality assessment that can help address struggling students' concerns and get them back to a healthy state-of-mind. Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.
View all tests and materials

MCCI Q-global Manual (Digital)


Qualification Level

Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


Publication date:


Age range:

College and university students 16-40 years old


Normed on 564 college and university students from ages 17-45

Qualification level:
Completion time:

20–25 minutes (150 items, Likert scale)


Paper-and-pencil, CD, computer or online administration

Scoring options:
Q-global web based, Q Local Software, or Manual Scoring
Report options:

Interpretive Report

Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.

Q-gVP available with this assessment

Q-global Video Proctoring (Q-gVP)

Learn more