Accurate standards-level feedback is a must-have for instructional relevance, but you know how zooming in too far on a picture can make it all fuzzy? Same goes for typical tests school districts use. They are designed to give feedback at the grade- or domain-level feedback, so when they try to give more specific feedback on standards, the standards-level information gets all fuzzy. Navvy found a way to clear it up! Navvy is designed to provide clear standards-level feedback with validity and reliability using a novel design and cutting-edge data science.
Key features support learning
Navvy informs teaching and guides learning by accurately and specifically identifying what students have learned and where they need more support.

Standard-by-standard assessments for teaching and learning. Feedback is immediate, specific, and accurate to inform personalized learning and instruction.

Healthy student growth mindset. For each standard, students have multiple opportunities to succeed without penalty for needing additional instruction or opportunities to learn.

Premade assessments and instant results with insightful reports that identify student groups for differentiated instruction. Navvy saves time and efficiently focuses instructional time on students’ personalized needs.

Classroom-embedded assessments available on-demand. Assess any combination of standards at any time to align to your local scope and sequence.

Feedback is up to date with learning and instruction, unlike interim and end-of-year data that expires. Results reflect student learning as learning is happening, not weeks or months earlier or later during pre-defined testing windows.

Aligned to the right rigor of the standard for more accurate results from professional-quality assessments provided for the everyday classroom.
Tailored to your district’s needs—we’re your partner in accelerating learning!