School Assessment solutions from Pearson have been recognized in the 2024 EdTech Digest Awards, with Navvy and Spotlight products earning 'Cool Tools' finalist honors for Best Assessment and Best Parent & Student solutions.
The EdTech Digest Awards celebrate the "best and brightest" in education technology and serve as the world's largest awards program of its kind. Since 2011, the Awards have recognized products, organizations, and individuals for outstanding contributions in transforming education through technology to enrich the lives of learners everywhere.
"It's a wonderful honor and a meaningful achievement for our teams to be recognized for innovation, excellence, and above all, student and educator impact. We’re incredibly proud of Navvy and Spotlight and look forward to further building and sharing their capabilities with more schools in the future," said Sharon Hague, managing director for Pearson School Assessments.
"Best Assessment Solution" - Navvy
Pearson's Navvy is the only K-12 formative assessment tool that harnesses psychometrics to guide teachers' day-to-day instructional decisions. While psychometrics bring validity and reliability to high-stakes end-of-year assessments, the assessments K-12 teachers depend on throughout the year have not been held to the same standard--until Navvy.
Featuring expertly crafted, bite-sized assessments and automated scoring, Navvy offers instant feedback and insights into individual student progress, aiding targeted intervention. Additionally, Navvy promotes student engagement with collectible micro-credentials, fostering a sense of achievement and goal setting.
Efficacy research demonstrates significant gains in student learning with Navvy. Districts using Navvy Math and English Language Arts have seen 39% greater growth in student proficiency on state tests compared to non-Navvy districts.
"Best Parent & Student Solution" - Spotlight by Pearson
Spotlight by Pearson makes complex student performance data accessible and actionable for educators, parents, and students. Spotlight does this by translating student progress and assessment data into personalized, user-friendly, video and visual story reports—all in a family's home language. In 2023, Spotlight delivered nearly seven million reports in 27 languages, across 17 states and territories.
Spotlight can translate any data - standardized and state assessment results, career pathways, even financial aid awards. Spotlight reports interpret scores, highlight student strengths and challenges, and provide personalized resources for improvement.
Reports are colorful, captioned, and the data is explained in a way that everyone can understand; empowering parents to better support their children and confidently move forward in their learning journey.