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Get an accurate view of student progress — in 30 minutes!
The Pearson Review of Progress and Learning (PRoPL) is a quick yet accurate interim assessment that provides educators, students, and families with powerful information about student growth during the school year and forecasts where they're expected to be at the end of the year. PRoPL provides a fall, winter, and spring interim assessment that can be aligned to your state standards, and each one takes only about 30 minutes, on average, to complete.

Avoid being surprised by end-of-year summative assessment results
PRoPL leverages Pearson’s expertise as the market leader in creating and delivering content for large-scale, state summative assessments, following the same principles and rigor for interim assessments.
Using summative-quality content ensures coherence between the interim assessment and the summative for more accurate forecasts of end-of-year performance.
Our assessment design includes the use of on-grade and off-grade items, allowing educators to have better information on how students are progressing in their learning but using only on-grade items to forecast student end-of-year performance.

Accurate results in about 30 minutes per test
Get a more accurate assessment of student progress in half the time.
PRoPL is computer adaptive so that it can pinpoint students’ ability levels with fewer items and in less time, allowing students and teachers to get back to learning.
Results are immediate so educators can make timely decisions to support students.
PRoPL is an untimed test allowing additional time for students if needed.

Part of a comprehensive suite of assessments
PRoPL is designed to be a one-stop shop for your interim assessment needs. It includes interim assessments for:
K–HS Reading
K–HS Math
3–HS Writing (Spring 2025)
3–HS Science (Fall 2025)
3–8 Social Studies (Fall 2024)
No other interim assessment is designed to be as comprehensive by including all four major content areas.
PRoPL is part of a suite of classroom assessment tools, including our Navvy Classroom assessment for formative use and aimswebPlus™ for screening and progress monitoring.

Overview flyer
Learn more about how you can experience accurate and actionable results and reduced interim test-taking time.