Licensure tests are intended to provide a measure of protection to the public and to provide evidence that individuals who receive an educator license have an appropriate level of knowledge and skills required to be successful in their role in the educational system – either as a teacher or an administrator.
Alternative ways of knowing and doing are receiving increased attention in the educator workforce space, with critical attention being paid to flexible pathways. A multiple measures approach enables flexibility while maintaining the rigor and quality needed for licensure testing. At its most basic level, a multiple measures approach uses two or more assessments to determine whether an educator candidate has the appropriate level of knowledge and skills required for certification.
Assessments can vary in format. Possible formats include:
- multiple-choice items only
- a combination of multiple-choice and performance-based items
- strictly performance-based assessments
A multiple-measures approach can allow candidates to evaluate testing options and determine which would best meet those needs. Evaluation Systems partners with states and state agencies to determine their assessment needs and what testing options would best meet those needs.