
  • Ready, Set, Go! How Educators and Caregivers Can Improve Kindergarten Readiness

    by Selina Oliver, NCSP and Senior Assessment Consultant for Pearson

    A man and child drawing pictures together

    In many ways, the kindergarten experience builds the foundation for a child’s future success in school and in life. Unfortunately, as we move beyond the pandemic, and our “pandemic babies” reach kindergarten age, we’re finding that the readiness for structured schooling of some of our youngest learners has been affected by limited social engagement in their earliest years of life. 

    But kindergarten readiness comprises many different skills, and by working together, educators and caregivers can close gaps in children’s readiness. I had the chance to discuss this topic in-depth on the latest episode of Pearson’s podcast, “Building Bridges: Strengthening the Educator-Caregiver Relationship.”

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  • Calming the storm: 5 tips to help caregivers tame back-to-school anxiety

    by Selina Oliver, NCSP and Senior Assessment Consultant for Pearson

    Two adults in front seats and two children in back seats of car.

    Everyone gets the back-to-school jitters — even educators. There’s a reason the “Sunday Scaries” is a thing, whether you’re returning from a long vacation or a typical weekend. And of course, this apprehension is not reserved for you and your colleagues. Students and their families likely also feel angst during transitions back to school and work. 

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