
  • A family’s journey -The path through a comprehensive ADHD evaluation... and beyond

    Child writing with adult assisting

    Why is a good evaluation the key to solving any problem? We have a true story to share with you that can shed a little light on the importance of a thorough evaluation. It is from the perspective of a mom whose son was having difficulties paying attention, controlling his impulses, and keeping himself organized — both at home and at school. As with any good story, this one has a happy ending thanks to a dedicated team of educational and mental health professionals who left no stone unturned and worked in close collaboration with both the student and his parents. 

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  • Why does summer break impact student mental health?

    children playing on playground

    Summertime is often a welcomed period of fun and rest for students, rewarding them with a much-needed break from their schoolwork. However, mental health never takes a vacation, and there are signs of exacerbating problems in the summer months.

    A key challenge is the disruption of routine that summer brings. There’s also the reduced access to counselors, teachers, and other positive adult role models that were either a source of comfort and guidance or a positive reinforcement for their mental health. Financial instability is also a common factor, especially with students who relied on school breakfasts and lunches for their daily meals.  

    It’s important to note that students from historically marginalized groups are more likely to suffer from reduced access to mental health resources throughout the school year, not just in the summer.

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  • Choose the product training that works best for you!

    by Tyler Vassar, EdS, Licensed Specialist in School Psychology and Pearson Assessments Consultant

    Diverse group of coworkers having a meeting

    Whether you’re looking for individual training, small group training, or perhaps training across your district, identifying and selecting the best delivery method for your team doesn’t have to be overwhelming! Pearson offers in-person, live webinar, and on-demand training, and since each of these options is unique, we’ve put together a few tips to help you decide which one will work best for you.

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  • A call to action on early childhood learning disparities in marginalized communities

    by Dr. Andi Turner, Research Director for Pearson Clinical Assessments

    Children looking at book

    Educators are facing a challenge like never before. I make this observation based on 18 years of deep immersion in the mental wellness field, including practical experience in individual, family, and group therapy settings. Along the way, I found my most rewarding service to be assessing babies and young children as a consultant for early childhood and Head Start programs.

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  • Tending to wallflowers

    Dr. Kirleen Neely, PhD, LPC-S

    The rise of social anxiety (and how to help your clients flourish) Featuring Dr. Kirleen Neely, PhD, LPC-S

    Every day, more of our customers are reporting an increase in social anxiety in their practices and schools. Formerly categorized as “timid” or “shy”, people with social anxiety feel self-conscious in situations where they may need to speak to someone (or worse — a group of people) they don’t know. The prevalence of Social Anxiety Disorder among adults is increasing, with 15,000,000 diagnosed each year1. While that figure may be shocking to some, the prevalence of social anxiety in teens and adolescents is even greater — an average of 9.1% of teens and adolescents aged 13–18 — with females reported at 11.2%! Beyond the social implications of this disorder, individuals with social anxiety have a greater risk of substance abuse and clinical depression2.

    We reached out to one of our customers, Dr. Kirleen Neely, PhD, LPC-S, to gain some insight into what she’s experiencing in her practice and the resources she’s found helpful in addressing this growing concern.

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