
  • Taking an innovative approach to challenging COA translations

    A graphic map of Europe with Estonia, Finland, and Hungary highlighted

    Over the last ten years, the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition (Bayley-3), a leading developmental assessment for children ages 1–42 months, has been referenced as an endpoint in 145 clinical trials (Citeline, 2024). Of those, 6.21% have included sites in the Finno-Ugric countries of Estonia, Finland, and Hungary.

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  • Clinical trial considerations: All scores are not created equal

    genetic engineer working with analysis dna software on laptop in the genetic laboratory

    Dr. Lynsey Psimas, Ph.D and Dr. Paul Williams PsyD attended CNS Summit 2023 and were fortunate to have the opportunity to present their poster, Precision Matters: An Analysis on How Various Scores Behave When Measuring Change Over Time; Factors That Inform Score Selection for the Best Results”.

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  • The Annual Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in ID

    Kansas City, MO skyline

    “Rare Genetic/Monogenic Disorders & Co-Occurring Conditions in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities”

    Each year, Gatlinburg brings together numerous behavioral scientists from around the world to discuss their research and collaborations in related fields such as intellectual and developmental disabilities. While it is a smaller conference, the attendees represent all professional levels and include students, post-docs, support and research staff, professors, and researchers. Our Pharma Services team also attended, excited to learn about the important and ground-breaking research being conducted in the IDD sphere.

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  • Are GSVs a more accurate measurement of change?

    Molecules on gold background

    Presenters: Lynsey Psimas, PhD and Paul Williams PsyD

    Growth Scale Values (GSVs) have a long 50-year history within research. However, GSVs are only now gaining traction as an alternative and more precise way to measure outcomes in clinical trials.

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  • An interview with Mark Daniel, author of Growth Scale Value (GSV): Theory, Development, and Applications

    Mark Daniels blog post hero image

    In testing and in research, you must have an effective and reliable way to measure change. While raw scores have typically been the go-to for this important role, Growth Scale Values (GSVs) are quickly becoming the preferred method.

    Our Director of Pharma Sales, Lynsey Psimas, had the opportunity to speak with Mark Daniel, author of Growth Scale Value (GSV): Theory, Development, and Applications to discuss the importance of GSVs. He spent some time explaining GSVs and their importance in test scoring and pharma research.

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