Your classroom is not one size fits all; it’s a multifaceted realm where every student possesses his or her own set of strengths, areas for improvement, and individualized instruction requirements.
So, how can students enter the classroom at different places and arrive at their individual potential – a potential that meets early literacy, reading, early numeracy, and mathematics skills, as well as high-stakes testing success?
It all starts with powerful, curriculum-based measurements (CBM).
Why Curriculum-Based Measurement?
According to the National Center on Student Progress Monitoring, curriculum-based measurement (CBM) is an educational student progress monitoring method used by educators to assess basic and fundamental academic skills in math and reading.
CBM allows parents to remain current on their child’s progress in the classroom.1
Whether at-risk or high-achieving, every student’s needs can be determined with curriculum-based measurement (CBM). Used for universal screening and progress monitoring, CBM employs brief, timed assessments based on rich tasks that are validated as “vital signs” or “indicators” of basic skill outcomes and designed around your classroom curriculum.
CBM assessments can help you see how your students are progressing throughout the year with key foundational skills like reading and mathematics. For example,
- If Hannah’s performance is not meeting expectations, you can alter your intervention based on CBM results to meet her needs and help her make ample progress toward set academic goals.
- If Ben’s performance is exceeding expectations, you can alter your instruction based on CBM results to support his advanced capabilities, and allow him to try new, challenging concepts.
Additionally, these progress monitoring assessments are streamlined and efficient – in many cases, they can be completed in less than five minutes – limiting the amount of time you and your students spend away from valuable lessons and activities.
The Power of Curriculum-Based Measurement with aimswebPlus
Utilized by administrators, educators, and researchers nationwide, aimswebTMPlus administers CBM completely online (or face-to-face with online scoring for students grades K-1) in an attractive, intuitive interface. This approach has made the assessment process engaging for students and easy to conduct for a wide-range of educational staff.
The power to move your classroom forward is placed in your hands with curriculum-based measures that are:
- Predict student achievement in critical reading and math skills.
- A valid assessment of math and reading skills is delivered every time.
- Assessments can be administered quickly without disrupting instruction.
- Consistent results across time and testing conditions are produced with CBM.
- Sensitive to improvement.Determine the effectiveness of intervention efforts sooner rather than later.
Developed from more than 30 years of scientific research, aimswebTMPlus is designed to help you predict student achievement and promote student success by providing a framework that matches instruction with learner needs.
Direct the course of your students’ academic path with the power of plus. Learn more about how you can measure what matters and get the feedback you need for your classroom and school district with aimswebTMPlus.
1 McLane, Kathleen. National Center on Student Progress Monitoring. “What Is Curriculum-Based Measurement And What Does It Mean to My Child?” Retrieved May 20, 2016.