How Benchmark Assessments Support an RTI Framework
When you arrive to school each morning, you know that your success lies in the success of your students. The daunting goal of every teacher is to provide students with instruction that targets their unique needs.
Reap the Benefits of RTI with Benchmark Assessments
Once students have been identified for intervention based on benchmark data, your school can reap the benefits of an RTI framework and produce powerful student improvement by giving your teachers up-to-date feedback on the effectiveness of their instruction or intervention via brief, valid, and reliable progress monitoring and subsequent benchmarks.
Progress monitoring assessments are imperative to all intervention programs, as they:
- Frequently evaluate students’ understanding of essential skills with minimal disruption to instruction
- Continually assess student progress by providing regularly updated information
- Determine whether intervention is effective for an individual student
Administered on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis, progress monitoring informs instruction in two distinct ways:
- When a student is progressing, educators know the intervention program is working and continue with the targeted instruction.
- When data from frequent progress monitoring assessments show that a student is not progressing, educators can determine whether an intervention change is in order sooner rather than later.
A Student’s Success Story is Reflected in Benchmark Assessment Data
Data that’s derived from an efficient and effective assessment and data management system inherently reports and scribes student achievement over time.
When you identify students with specific needs early, set appropriate goals to close their learning gaps, and track the effectiveness of their intervention and instruction, you can help them make significant gains. This research-based approach provides educators with seamless, relevant, and reliable data.
Get the most out of your classroom efforts and help your students write stories of achievement with brief, valid, and reliable assessments from aimswebTMPlus.