Cognition Neuro

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This webinar will familiarize participants with the administration, scoring, and interpretation of the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development – Fourth Edition (Bayley-4).

Recorded: View Recording
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As Americans age, it becomes increasingly important for clinicians to evaluate the functional living skills of adult clients. These include both cognitive skills and activities of daily living. This webinar introduces you to this increasingly important area of practice and provides practical recommendations for assessment tools to use in functional living evaluations.

Recorded: View Recording

In this webinar comparison of the Bayley-III and Bayley-4 in terms of scores, reliability, intercorrelations among scales, test duration, growth scale values, and similar topics.


Presenter(s): <a href"">Presenter: Glen P. Aylward, Ph.D., ABPP</a>

View Recording

Presenter(s): <a href"">Presenter: Glen P. Aylward, Ph.D., ABPP</a>