Cognition Neuro

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This webinar will provide an overview of cognitive rehabilitation with older adults, and will also discuss the relationship between cognitive deficits and functional abilities, often heavily implicated in decisions related to independent living.

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Presenter(s): Anne-Marie Kimbell, Ph.D.

This webinar will provide a general overview of what cognitive rehabilitation is, who the participants are, where it takes place, and who the providers are.

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This one-hour webinar will focus on the interpretation of the WISC-V. The presenter will describe primary, ancillary, and complementary indexes and will use sample data to illustrate the interpretive process. As a result of the session, participants will describe (1) the cognitive processes represented by the WISC-V index scores, (2) the theoretical link between specific cognitive abilities and specific academic skills and (3) how to use performance on the WISC-V to generate hypotheses about processing deficits.

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This presentation will discuss how executive functions are involved in directing and coordinating the use of multiple cognitive capacities to read words and connected text passages, discuss assessment approaches (with an emphasis on the PAL-II) for identifying executive function-related reading problems, and discuss teaching strategies for helping students compensate for the effects of executive function difficulties.

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