PAL-II Advanced: Tiered Assessment and Intervention Webinar (Recording)
Presenter(s): Amy Dilworth Gabel, PhDDuring this webinar, participants will learn about the three-tiered approach to assessment described by Dr. Virginia Berninger, author of the PAL-II.
PAL-II Reading and Writing and PAL-II Math are comprehensive, research-based assessment systems. The instruments can be used at three tiers ranging from prevention to problem solving consultation to differential diagnosis. PAL-II Reading and Writing links to targeted evidence-based interventions and lessons. During this webinar, participants will learn about the three-tiered approach to assessment described by Dr. Virginia Berninger, author of the PAL-II. The presenter will describe how the components of the PAL-II are used to prevent academic problems and to identify targeted interventions for struggling students. As a result of this presentation, participants will
- Describe the reading, writing, and math skills students are expected to master at specified grade levels;
- Discuss the cognitive processes that are critical to acquisition of reading, writing, and math skills;
- Describe how to choose an intervention based on analysis of a student’s performance of a skill and mastery of the cognitive processes needed to perform the skill.