Using the SSIS SEL Assessments and Intervention to Improve Elementary Students Self-Management Skills Webinar (Recording)

This webinar focuses on SEL assessment and intervention (Tiers 1 or 2) to improve key SEL self-management skills – Listen to Others, Follow Rules, Stay Calm with Others, and Express Feelings Appropriately – of elementary students.

Presenter: Stephen N. Elliott, PhD

This webinar focuses on SEL assessment and intervention (Tiers 1 or 2) to improve key SEL self-management skills – Listen to Others, Follow Rules, Stay Calm with Others, and Express Feelings Appropriately – of elementary students. The use of the SSIS Screening and Progress Monitoring Scales and the SSIS SEL Classwide Intervention Program (CIP) will be modeled and outcome evidence illustrated regarding their effectiveness presented within a Triple-Positive (increase SEL skills, decrease problem behaviors, and increase academic engagement) Theory of Change.


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