Do Autism Adaptive Behavior Profiles Really Exist? Webinar (Recording)
Presenter(s): Daniella Maglione, PsyD, Selina Oliver, NCSP
The question of whether true adaptive behavior profiles in persons with autism spectrum disorder exists has been discussed in the literature for decades. This webinar will explore if, and how, adaptive functioning profiles of individuals with ASD differ from typical normative samples.
This webinar will explore if, and how, adaptive functioning profiles of individuals with ASD differ from typical normative samples. The question of whether true adaptive behavior profiles in persons with autism spectrum disorder exists has been discussed in the literature for decades. At a broad level is the question of whether adaptive profiles of individuals with ASD are sufficiently discrepant from typically developing peers or peers with other neurobiological disorders, such as intellectual disabilities. There is no shortage of research supporting a very strong link between adaptive functioning deficits and autism spectrum disorders (Alvares, 2020; Bussu, 2020, Szatmari, 2015). The second, more relevant question, is to understand the nature and magnitude of those differences along a continuum of adaptive expression (i.e., socialization, motor, maladaptive, communication, etc.). This presentation will attempt to tease out the literature with respect to adaptive profiles in the ASD population. The implication of such profiles is relevant not only in terms of identification, but more importantly for early intervention, the generation of IEP goals, as well as transition planning. Profiles across the lifespan and culturally and linguistically diverse populations will be discussed along with implications for best practices and implementation reviewed.
Learning objectives:
- List three reasons why including an adaptive assessment is essential when working with individuals with ASD
- Identify two strengths and two weaknesses related to ASD adaptive profiles
- Identify three adaptive domains/subdomains most relevant to ASD.
- Identify the role of adaptive assessment in culturally and linguistically diverse children