Improving Students' Social Emotional Health with Tier 2 Interventions for Managing Stress and Utilizing Social Support (Recording)

Presenter(s): Dr. Steve Elliott, Dr. Christine Malecki, and Dr. Michelle Demaray

This one-hour webinar will introduce ways to teach your students how to use two proven healthy behavior routines — Manage it! and Give + Get it! — using an evidence-based, small-group instructional format. The SSIS™ CIP-T2, a Tier 2 social-emotional health intervention that is now part of Review360®, will be used to demonstrate these concepts, and a proven strategy for teaching healthy behavior routines will be shared.

Stress is prevalent in the lives of all students, but for many, it can be controlled with healthy self-management strategies. One of these strategies, the willingness to receive social support, has been proven to buffer stress, among other benefits.

This one-hour webinar will introduce effective methods for teaching your students how to use two proven healthy behavior routines — Manage it! and Give + Get it! — using an evidence-based, small-group instructional format. The SSIS™ CIP-T2, a Tier 2 social-emotional health intervention that is now part of Review360®, will be used to demonstrate these concepts, and a proven strategy for teaching healthy behavior routines will also be shared.

This session will help participants:

  1. Better understand the need for Tier 2 social-emotional health intervention
  2. Teach their students effective strategies for stress reduction
  3. Guide their students to becoming more comfortable giving and receiving social support


Improving Students' Social Emotional Health with Tier 2 Interventions for Managing Stress and Utilizing Social Support
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