Recent Bayley-4 Research for Children with Clinical Diagnoses Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): Jacqueline Caemmerer, PhD, Brittany Dale, PhD, Emily Winter, PhD

This one-hour webinar will present the findings of two recent studies using the Bayley-4 with special populations including autism, developmental delay, language impairment and prematurity. 

This one-hour webinar will discuss two recent studies using the Bayley-4 with special populations including autism, developmental delay, language impairment and prematurity. The first compares the performance of premature children from the Bayley-4 special group studies to each other and to non-premature peers. The other compares the performance of children with autism spectrum disorder, language delays and disorders, and developmental delays.

The presenters will discuss the findings of their research, including practical implications for clinicians working with infants and young children.


Recent Bayley-4 research for children with clinical diagnoses
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