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Districts get unlimited access to a library of nearly 40 digital assessments for a simple, annual price based on the number of IEPs.
For pricing and quotes, click the button that reflects your district size.
Pearson publishes a number of assessments that do not currently have a digital administration option. To assist Digital Assessment Library customers, Pearson introduced the Digital Assessment Library for Schools PLUS (DALS+) that pulls together 20+ popular paper assessments (DAS-II, KABC-II-NU, PLS-5, etc.) as a supplement to the Digital Assessment Library Complete Program.
See how the Digital Assessment Libraries align to evaluate areas of eligibility.
A comprehensive guide detailing this unique annual site license's feature and benefits, our Q-interactive and Q-global digital platforms, pricing and social distancing tools and remote administration.
Improve social skills, evaluate emotional issues, and measure self-sufficiency.
Example tests: BASC–3, Vineland–3
Accurately and efficiently assess fine and gross motor skills and sensory processing patterns.
Example tests: Sensory Profile 2, PEDI-CAT
Evaluate higher-level cognitive function, assess neuropsychological status, and measure verbal learning and memory abilities.
Example tests: RBANS Update, WMS–IV
To assist with the evaluation process, there are a number of different screeners available for limited use.
Example tests: SSIS SEL Screener, Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen