HR Featured Products
Explore the assessments that can assist you with your personnel selection and wellness efforts. Our industry-standard assessments have reliably informed personnel selection and provided psychological health and quality of life resources for a wide variety of agencies and contractors, including government, corrections, military, public safety, and private security.
The Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire™ (MPQ), is a broadband measure of normal-range personality traits, featuring new nationally representative normative data and updated scales. The MPQ utilizes a long history of research and can be used for preemployment screening for public safety positions.
Quality of Life Inventory® (QOLI) is a psychological assessment of well-being and satisfaction with life. The QOLI assesses positive mental health and happiness, and yields an overall score based on the "Sweet 16" areas that make up quality of life, including love, work and play.
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale®, Fifth Edition (WAIS®-5) is the most comprehensive and reliable assessment of cognitive ability now features reduced administration time, updated norms, improved clinical utility, and improved user experience. The WAIS-5 is widely used in clinical, educational, correctional, and pharmaceutical research and in government settings.
Beta-4 is a nonverbal measure of adult cognitive abilities. The test has a variety of occupational and educational applications and is great for use with diverse adult populations within a wide range of language skills and intelligence levels.
Raven's 2
Raven’s 2 conveniently assesses observational skills and ability in a variety of settings. It is suitable for non-verbal adults and children. The test is available in paper, digital or combination formats.
KBIT-2 Revised
Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test Second Edition, Revised (KBIT-2 Revised) has hit the “refresh” button! With field-tested, updated norms and a fresh new look, this brief measure of verbal and nonverbal intelligence continues to be the reliable assessment you’ve known since its inception — only better.
For clinical, educational, or research teams who need a brief measure of reading, spelling, and math for ages 5 through 85+, the WRAT5 is easy to administer, easy to score (digitally, and with simple rules), includes a measure of Sentence Completion in addition to modified cloze reading comprehension, and now even more effectively identifies possible learning disabilities in small groups or with individuals than the previous version.
MIPS Revised
The Millon® Index of Personality Styles Revised (MIPS® Revised) test helps assess normally functioning adults who may be experiencing difficulties in work, family, or social relationships.
Beck Family of Assessments
Sometimes when things appear easy and simple, you don't realize the scientific complexity of their foundation. Such is the case with the Beck Scales, which have a reputation of ease of administration while solid in psychometric properties. These strengths have led to years of research validating the Beck Scales' clinical sensitivity.