Multi-Tiered System of Supports, a three-tiered approach to providing quality instruction to meet the individual needs of all students, is an umbrella framework that includes Response to Intervention (RtI) and Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) frameworks. This model combines a standard system of assessment with high-quality instruction, with varying levels of interventions and services that are designed for all students. These levels are called tiers of instruction. The three tiers are on a fluid continuum, allowing the students’ needs to dictate next steps.
Structure of MTSS Tiers
Universal (Tier I) represents those supports provided to all students. Tier I practices should be implemented with fidelity prior to addressing practices for Tier II or III
Targeted (Tier II) represents additional supports provided to remediate or accelerate student success. This is usually through small group instruction for 20 minutes a day as a general re-teach.
Intensive (Tier III) represents individually responsive supports intended to further remediate or accelerate student success and do not necessarily equate to special education services. Individually responsive supports are developed based on individual needs but may be provided in a small group or individual format. This is usually through small group instruction for 40–50 minutes a day to address specific, individual needs.
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