Find an Interest:
Focus on listening to and talking to your students/children.
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You Don’t Know Me from Adam:
The focus is letting them know that I provide resources and support because I want to help. I am like them; I have successes and failures with my suggestions in my own life. We are all in this together.
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The focus is to understand that individuals will say things during crisis and out of frustration that are just words. The context of the statement is critical, and it must be understood that these are just words, it is hard, but Quit Taking It Personally (QTIP).
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Goal of the Day:
The focus is setting a small goal and having the ability to mark it off from a list. Providing people, the satisfaction of completing something during these trying times.
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Don’t Pass the Trash:
The focus is on pushing positive energy on students/children and not putting negative energy on them.
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Finding a Path Forward Through Real Life Events:
The focus is that we are talking and listening to our students/children as we work through the challenges of today.
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Finding Some Consistency within the Inconsistency:
The focus is schedules, routines, and being proactive so schools and families can be prepared to address and ever-changing environment.
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Putting the F Word Back in Learning:
The focus is too simple: Put fun back into learning. When we are having fun, we tend to absorb more information.Link coming soon!
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