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- The WNV is particularly suitable for assessing the intellectual aptitude of individuals who cannot be effectively assessed using traditional tests. This is due to WNV’s nonverbal content and innovative pictorial prompts.
- The Raven’s 2 is a tool that evaluates general cognitive ability regardless of language and cultural background since the items consist of universal geometric shapes.
- KBIT-2 Revised is a brief measure of verbal and nonverbal intelligence used with individuals ages 4 through 90 years.
- Raven’s 2 conveniently assesses observational skills and ability in a variety of settings. It is suitable for non-verbal adults and children.
- Adapted from the proven and reliable WISC-V, the WISC-V Spanish provides a culturally and linguistically valid test of cognitive ability in Spanish for use with Spanish-speaking children.
- Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test® Third Edition (NNAT3) is a nonverbal measure of general ability for students in kindergarten through grade 12.
- Beta-4 is a nonverbal measure of adult cognitive abilities. The test has a variety of occupational and educational applications and is great for use with diverse adult populations within a wide range of language skills and intelligence levels.
- Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence Second Edition (CTONI-2) is a norm-referenced test using nonverbal formats.
- Test of Nonverbal Intelligence Fourth Edition (TONI-4) is a language-free test, ideal for evaluating those with questionable or limited language ability.
- Use the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test-Individual Administration (NNAT-Individual) to assess general reasoning ability in children and adolescents.
- SPM Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices™ and SPM Plus Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices™ Plus are nonverbal tests of observation skills and clear-thinking ability. SPM and SPM Plus are versatile, having various research applications with children and adults.
- The criterion-referenced Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test (CLQT™+) quickly assesses strengths and weaknesses in five cognitive domains, and adds an optional administration path for people with aphasia.
- Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices™ (APM) measures high-level observation skills, clear thinking ability, and intellectual capacity as a non-verbal estimate of abstract reasoning or fluid intelligence.
- Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test Second Edition (KBIT-2) is a brief measure of verbal and nonverbal intelligence used with individuals ages 4 through 90 years. The test is used in a variety of settings, including clinical, educational, vocational, and research settings.
- Wechsler® Nonverbal Scale of Ability (WNV™) is a nonverbal measure of ability for culturally and linguistically diverse groups. It is ideal for psychologists who need a nonverbal measure of ability for individuals who are neither English-language nor Spanish-language proficient, or have other language considerations.
- The Benton Visual Retention Test® assesses visual perception, memory, and visuoconstructive abilities.
- Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices™(CPM) is one of the most heavily used cognitive assessments in published research studies. The world’s leading non-verbal assessment has a strong following across the globe and has been relied upon for decades as an effective tool.
- Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children | Second Edition Normative Update (KABC™-II NU) is a culturally fair ability test for all children. It is an effective and individually administered measure of cognitive ability.