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  1. The NEPSY-II en español (Spanish), normed in Spain, enables clinicians to create a specific cognitive assessment tailored to the child or adolescent based on the analysis across six cognitive domains.
  2. WIAT-4 Dyslexia Index Scores are brief, individually-administered, performance-based screening tools that provide risk assessment, strength of risk, and interpretive information for team and parent/caregiver communication regarding individuals who may have dyslexia.
  3. KTEA-3 Dyslexia Index are brief, individually-administered, performance-based screening tools that provide risk assessment, strength of risk, and interpretive information for team and parent/caregiver communication regarding individuals who may have dyslexia.
  4. Wechsler Individual Achievement Test® | Fourth Edition (WIAT-4) is an individually administered achievement test for use in a variety of clinical, education, and research settings.
  5. Test of English Language Learning (TELL™) is a touch-screen delivered language proficiency assessment that can be used to screen, diagnose, and progress monitor English language learners in grades K–12.
  6. Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement Third Edition (KTEA™-3) is an individually administered battery that provides in-depth assessment and evaluation of key academic skills.
  7. The Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing Second Edition (CTOPP-2) helps evaluate phonological processing abilities as a prerequisite to reading fluency.
  8. Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (KTEA™-II) is an individually administered battery for in-depth assessment and evaluation of key academic skills.
  9. The NEPSY® Second Edition is the only single measure that allows clinicians to create tailored assessments across six domains, specific to a child's situation.
  10. Stanford Achievement Test | Tenth Edition® Abbreviated Battery is an abbreviated version of the complete SAT10. This assessment guides teaching and learning toward high achievement standards.
  11. aimsweb™Plus screens, monitors, and reports student progress for grades K-12.
  12. Wechsler Individual Achievement Test® | Third Edition (WIAT®-III) is an individually administered achievement test for use in a variety of clinical, educational, and research settings.
  13. Test of Word Reading Efficiency Second Edition is a measure of an individual’s ability to pronounce printed words and phonemically regular nonwords accurately and fluently.
  14. Stanford Achievement Test Series, Tenth Edition® is the most widely used tool in achievement testing. SAT10 helps guide teaching and learning toward high academic standards.
  15. Gray Oral Reading Test Fifth Edition (GORT-5) is one of the most widely used measures of oral reading fluency and comprehension in the United States.
  16. Test of Early Written Language | Third Edition (TEWL-3) assesses basic, contextual, and overall writing skills.
  17. Test of Written Language | Fourth Edition (TOWL-4 ) is a norm-referenced, comprehensive diagnostic test of written expression.
  18. The Oral Language Acquisition Inventory Second Edition (OLAI-2) continues the OLAI tradition of using quick and simple criterion-referenced assessment tasks to evaluate language and learning behaviors in order to drive effective instruction and/or intervention.
  19. By assessing a student's verbal, nonverbal, and quantitative ability, OLSAT 8® supplies educators with valuable information to enhance the insights gained from traditional achievement tests.
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