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  • Academic Learning
  • Math

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  1. The NEPSY-II en español (Spanish), normed in Spain, enables clinicians to create a specific cognitive assessment tailored to the child or adolescent based on the analysis across six cognitive domains.
  2. Diagnose oral and written language disability with PAL-II Reading and Writing. Then use proven reading and writing intervention strategies with PAL-II Guides for Intervention. Finally, investigate cognitive processes related to math with PAL-II Math.
  3. WIAT-4 Dyslexia Index Scores are brief, individually-administered, performance-based screening tools that provide risk assessment, strength of risk, and interpretive information for team and parent/caregiver communication regarding individuals who may have dyslexia.
  4. KTEA-3 Dyslexia Index are brief, individually-administered, performance-based screening tools that provide risk assessment, strength of risk, and interpretive information for team and parent/caregiver communication regarding individuals who may have dyslexia.
  5. Wechsler Individual Achievement Test® | Fourth Edition (WIAT-4) is an individually administered achievement test for use in a variety of clinical, education, and research settings.
  6. The Wide Range Achievement Test Fifth Edition (WRAT5™) provides an accurate and easy-to-administer way to assess and monitor the reading, spelling, and math skills, and helps identify possible learning disabilities.
  7. The WRAT-Expanded is a comprehensive battery of norm-referenced achievement tests designed to assess the core domains of reading and mathematics.
  8. The Wide Range Achievement Test 4 (WRAT4) is an academic skills assessment which measures reading skills, math skills, spelling, and comprehension.
  9. The Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement | Third Edition Brief Form (KTEA™-3 Brief) is a succinct and individually administered measure of achievement in reading, math, and written expression.
  10. Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement Third Edition (KTEA™-3) is an individually administered battery that provides in-depth assessment and evaluation of key academic skills.
  11. The Group Mathematics Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation (GMADE™) is a diagnostic mathematics test that measures individual student skills and helps K-12 educators pinpoint areas where students need instruction.
  12. Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (KTEA™-II) is an individually administered battery for in-depth assessment and evaluation of key academic skills.
  13. KeyMath™-3 Diagnostic Assessment is an individually administered measure of essential mathematical concepts and skills.
  14. The NEPSY® Second Edition is the only single measure that allows clinicians to create tailored assessments across six domains, specific to a child's situation.
  15. KeyMath™-3 Essential Resources is a comprehensive math intervention program containing hundreds of lessons, student practice sheets, and brief tests. As a companion to KeyMath-3 DA, KeyMath™-3 ER offers educators effective materials tailored to the individual’s learning needs.
  16. aimsweb™Plus screens, monitors, and reports student progress for grades K-12.
  17. Wechsler Individual Achievement Test® | Third Edition (WIAT®-III) is an individually administered achievement test for use in a variety of clinical, educational, and research settings.

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81 - 100 of 3770 results

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  1. COGMED1-141 | Qualification Level B
  2. AIMPLSRDCSUB | Qualification Level B
  3. AIMPLSMDCSUB | Qualification Level B