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- Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (KTEA™-II) is an individually administered battery for in-depth assessment and evaluation of key academic skills.
- The Group Reading Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation (GRADE™ ) is a diagnostic reading test that that determines what developmental skills PreK–12 students have mastered and where students need instruction or intervention.
- Assess early literacy skills more easily and effectively with children as young as three with Get Ready to Read!™ Revised.
- The NEPSY® Second Edition is the only single measure that allows clinicians to create tailored assessments across six domains, specific to a child's situation.
- aimsweb™Plus screens, monitors, and reports student progress for grades K-12.
- The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Fourth Edition (PPVT™-4) is the outstanding vocabulary assessment unsurpassed for nearly a half century.
- ASA™ is a tool for early identification of young children who might be at risk for auditory skill deficits and/or early literacy skill difficulties.
- Wechsler Individual Achievement Test® | Third Edition (WIAT®-III) is an individually administered achievement test for use in a variety of clinical, educational, and research settings.
- Test of Word Reading Efficiency Second Edition is a measure of an individual’s ability to pronounce printed words and phonemically regular nonwords accurately and fluently.
- Brief and easy to administer, the Expressive Vocabulary Test Second Edition (EVT-2) is designed to coordinate with the PPVT-4.
- Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests Third Edition (WRMTTM-III) retains the format and structure of its predecessor while expanding the test’s range to offer you even more diagnostic capability.
- Gray Oral Reading Test Fifth Edition (GORT-5) is one of the most widely used measures of oral reading fluency and comprehension in the United States.
- Test of Early Written Language | Third Edition (TEWL-3) assesses basic, contextual, and overall writing skills.
- Test of Written Language | Fourth Edition (TOWL-4 ) is a norm-referenced, comprehensive diagnostic test of written expression.
- WriteToLearn’s automated assessments, scoring, and reporting do the work for you so you can spend more time teaching and less time grading.
- The Oral Language Acquisition Inventory Second Edition (OLAI-2) continues the OLAI tradition of using quick and simple criterion-referenced assessment tasks to evaluate language and learning behaviors in order to drive effective instruction and/or intervention.