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- The Movement Assessment Battery for Children, Third Edition (Movement ABC-3) Checklist provides a standardized measure of everyday gross and fine motor coordination difficulties in children and young adults ages 3–25 years.
- The Movement Assessment Battery for Children, Third Edition (Movement ABC-3) helps identify gross and fine motor coordination difficulties in children and young adults aged 3–25 years.
- The Bayley-4 Screening Test can quickly determine if a child is on track developmentally or if further, more comprehensive assessment is needed.
- An abbreviated version of the full DIAL-4 test, Speed DIAL-4 is a global screener for assessing large groups of children quickly and efficiently.
- Developmental Test of Visual Perception Third Edition provides assessment of visual perception and visual-motor integration. Unlike other tests of visual perception and visual-motor integration, the DTVP-3 provides scores that are reliable at the .80 level or above for all subtests and .90 or above for the composites for all age groups.
- Internationally respected and backed by decades of research and clinical use, the Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, Sixth Edition (BEERY™ VMI) helps assess the extent to which individuals can integrate their visual and motor abilities.
- Miller Function and Participation Scales (M-FUN) assesses a child’s functional performance related to school participation.
- Movement Assessment Battery for Children | Second Edition provides you with the tools you need to assist in identifying children who have motor function impairment.
- The Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile® was developed to evaluate sensory processing patterns in the very young. The results provide understanding of how sensory processing affects the child’s daily functioning performance.
- Bruininks Motor Ability Test (BMAT™) is an individually administered, standardized test of gross and fine motor skills for adults. It's an adaptation of the trusted BOT™-2.
- Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning™ Fourth Edition (DIAL™-4) is a global screener for assessing large groups of children quickly and efficiently.
- The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency Second Edition (BOT™-2) is an individually administered test that uses engaging, goal-directed activities to measure a wide array of motor skills in individuals.
- Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development® | Third Edition (Bayley®-III), is a comprehensive tool to identify development issues during early childhood.
- The Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development™ Screening Test Third Edition (Bayley-III™ Screening Test) quickly determines if a child is on track developmentally or if further, more comprehensive assessment is needed.