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  1. The PEDI-CAT is a computer adaptive caregiver report which measures Daily Activities, Mobility, Social/Cognitive, and Responsibility. It’s designed for use with children and youth with a variety of physical and/or behavioral conditions.
  2. Social Cognition include tests for abilities such as facial recognition, name-face association, prosody, and theory of mind that are important aspects of social functioning.
  3. Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales Third Edition is the leading instrument for supporting the diagnosis of intellectual and developmental disabilities. Vineland-3 not only aids in diagnosis, but provides valuable information for developing educational and treatment plans.
  4. The Sensory Profile™ 2 family of assessments provides standardized tools to help evaluate a child's sensory processing patterns in the context of home, school, and community-based activities.
  5. Gilliam Autism Rating Scale | Third Edition (GARS-3) is one of the most widely used instruments for the assessment of autism spectrum disorder in the world. The GARS-3 assists teachers, parents, and clinicians in identifying autism in individuals and estimating its severity.
  6. Advanced Clinical Solutions for the WAIS®-IV and WMS®-IV enhances the clinical utility and expands the construct coverage of these respected tests.
  7. The Sensory Profile™ helps you understand a child’s sensory processing patterns in everyday situations and profile the sensory system’s effect on functional performance for diagnostic and intervention planning.
  8. Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile® helps measure sensory processing patterns and effects on functional performance.
  9. The Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile® was developed to evaluate sensory processing patterns in the very young. The results provide understanding of how sensory processing affects the child’s daily functioning performance.
  10. The Autism Spectrum Rating Scales (ASRS™) provides the first nationally standardized, norm-referenced ASD Rating Scale. This multi-informant measure helps identify symptoms, behaviors, and associated features of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) in children and adolescents aged 2 to 18 years.
  11. SPSC Sensory Profile School Companion provides school-based clinicians the ability to evaluate a child’s sensory processing skills and how these skills affect the child’s classroom behavior and performance.
  12. Childhood Autism Rating Scale | Second Edition is a brief rating scale that helps identify autism in children. CARS2 offers an easy-to-use tool that helps distinguish from developmentally disabled children who are not autistic, giving quantifiable ratings based on direct behavior observation.
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