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  • Cognition & Neuro
  • Comprehensive Ability

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  1. NEUROPSI Attention and Memory allows assessment of the cognitive process in Spanish speakers with documented or suspected brain lesions (e.g., tumors, traumatic brain injury), developmental disabilities, ADHD, dementia, psychiatric disorders, etc.
  2. The Kaplan Baycrest Neurocognitive Assessment™ (KBNA™) provides important information for a general overview, in-depth diagnosis, or treatment planning and monitoring.
  3. The Western Aphasia Battery-Revised (WAB-R) assesses linguistic skills most frequently affected by aphasia, plus key nonlinguistic skills, and provides differential diagnosis information.
  4. Escala de Inteligencia de Wechsler para Adultos (EIWA™-III) is the Spanish-language adaptation of the popular Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale | Third Edition.
  5. The Pyramids and Palm Trees Test determines the degree to which a subject can access meaning from pictures and words.
  6. California Verbal Learning Test® | Second Edition (CVLT®-II) is a comprehensive, detailed assessment of verbal learning and memory deficits in older adolescents and adults.
  7. The Children's Memory Scale™ (CMS) fills the need for a comprehensive learning and memory test for children ages five to 16. The test helps you compare memory and learning to ability, attention, and achievement.
  8. MicroCog™: Assessment of Cognitive Functioning Windows® Edition 2004 (MicroCog™ for Windows®) is an automated neuropsychological battery developed for clinical practice.
  9. WPPSI™-IV Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence™ | Fourth Edition is an innovative measure of cognitive development for preschoolers and young children, rooted in contemporary theory and research.
  10. Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children | Second Edition Normative Update (KABC™-II NU) is a culturally fair ability test for all children. It is an effective and individually administered measure of cognitive ability.

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81 - 100 of 3770 results

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  1. COGMED1-141 | Qualification Level B
  2. AIMPLSRDCSUB | Qualification Level B
  3. AIMPLSMDCSUB | Qualification Level B