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  • Cognition & Neuro

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21 - 40 of 102 results

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  1. The Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning, Third Edition (WRAML3) measures short- and long-term memory functioning and the ability to learn new material in children and adults.
  2. The Bayley-4 Screening Test can quickly determine if a child is on track developmentally or if further, more comprehensive assessment is needed.
  3. Bayley™-4 is the most comprehensive assessment tool for determining developmental delays in children.
  4. Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test™ Fifth Edition (PPVT™-5) is a norm-referenced and individually administered measure of receptive vocabulary based on words in Standard American English.
  5. Raven’s 2 conveniently assesses observational skills and ability in a variety of settings. It is suitable for non-verbal adults and children.
  6. Social Cognition include tests for abilities such as facial recognition, name-face association, prosody, and theory of mind that are important aspects of social functioning.
  7. Test of Premorbid Functioning estimates an individual's pre-morbid cognitive and memory functioning.
  8. California Verbal Learning Test® Third Edition is the most comprehensive assessment of verbal learning and memory for older adolescents and adults. In the CVLT®3, an examinee listens to series of words and is then asked to recall the terms and the category to which they belong.
  9. Test of Everyday Attention for Children Second Edition uniquely measures separable aspects of attention.
  10. Adapted from the proven and reliable WISC-V, the WISC-V Spanish provides a culturally and linguistically valid test of cognitive ability in Spanish for use with Spanish-speaking children.
  11. Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test® Third Edition (NNAT3) is a nonverbal measure of general ability for students in kindergarten through grade 12.
  12. Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning Second Edition (WRAML2) is a broad-based memory battery that provides a flexible measure of memory functioning and learning.
  13. The WRIT Wide Range Intelligence Test provides a general measure of intelligence (IQ) with user-friendly materials to assess verbal and nonverbal cognitive abilities.
  14. Beta-4 is a nonverbal measure of adult cognitive abilities. The test has a variety of occupational and educational applications and is great for use with diverse adult populations within a wide range of language skills and intelligence levels.
  15. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® Fifth Edition, Integrated (WISC-V Integrated) includes 14 subtests that provide insight into a child's WISC-V performance and approach to learning.
  16. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® Fifth Edition (WISC®-V) is an intelligence test that measures a child’s intellectual ability and 5 cognitive domains that impact performance.
  17. The Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing Second Edition (CTOPP-2) helps evaluate phonological processing abilities as a prerequisite to reading fluency.
  18. Offering valuable enhancements, the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status Update® (RBANS® Update) is a brief, individually administered battery to measure cognitive decline or improvement.
  19. Delis-Rating of Executive Functions (D-REF) lets you quickly and easily administer, score, and report the frequency of observed behaviors that identify executive function problems in children and adolescents.
  20. Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome in Children is a scientifically valid and reliable battery of tests of executive functioning. BADS-C is applicable both to children and adolescents.
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