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  • Cognition & Neuro

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  1. D-KEFS Advanced leverages the power of an all-digital assessment to modernize neuropsychological testing using simplified administration, enhanced data capture, and automatic scoring on Q-interactive
  2. Brief Cognitive Status Exam | Normative Update (BCSE™ NU) helps evaluate global cognitive functioning in patients with dementia, mild ID, TBI, or suspected Alzheimer’s disease. This brief, reliable test is the stand-alone version of the BCSE NU found in the WMS-5 as an optional cognitive screener.
  3. The WMS-5 enables clinicians to explore core aspects of memory in a highly flexible, yet comprehensive, manner within a larger evaluation battery
  4. The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, Third Edition Brief (BOT-3 Brief) provides a quick overview of gross and fine motor ability for ages 4–25.
  5. The WNV is particularly suitable for assessing the intellectual aptitude of individuals who cannot be effectively assessed using traditional tests. This is due to WNV’s nonverbal content and innovative pictorial prompts.
  6. The Raven’s 2 is a tool that evaluates general cognitive ability regardless of language and cultural background since the items consist of universal geometric shapes.
  7. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale | Fifth Edition (WAIS-5) is the most comprehensive and advanced measure of cognitive ability in adults. It is an individually administered clinical instrument for assessing the intelligence of examinees ages 16–90.
  8. The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency™, Third Edition (BOT™-3) is a versatile and comprehensive measure of gross and fine motor skills for children and young adults.
  9. The WMS-IV en español (Spanish), normed in Spain, is the most widely used scale of adult memory. It’s a flexible and reliable tool that enables a more accurate diagnosis.
  10. The NEPSY-II en español (Spanish), normed in Spain, enables clinicians to create a specific cognitive assessment tailored to the child or adolescent based on the analysis across six cognitive domains.
  11. The Bayley-III en español (Spanish), normed in Spain, thanks to their excellent psychometric properties and quantitative scoring system, are ideal for monitoring the child's skills and strengths, as well as areas for improvement, by interdisciplinary teams.
  12. The Brief Cognitive Status Exam en español (Spanish), is a reliable screening assessment of cognitive impairment. It is also a very appropriate test for continuous evaluations (test-retest) and research studies.
  13. This revision of the WPPSI en español (Spanish), normed in Spain, includes extensive and notable enhancements that benefit both children and examiners. It places a strong emphasis on child-friendly, developmentally appropriate features.
  14. The Bracken Basic Concept Scale, Fourth Edition: Receptive (BBCS–4:R) is a developmental assessment designed to evaluate children's school readiness in terms of their understanding of basic concepts that are strongly related to early childhood cognitive and language development as well as early academic achievement.
  15. This version of the WAIS-IV en español (Spanish) normed in Spain. With updated norms, reduced administration time, and improved psychometric properties, the WAIS-IV is an accurate and flexible instrument that allows for a more tailored diagnosis.
  16. KBIT-2 Revised is a brief measure of verbal and nonverbal intelligence used with individuals ages 4 through 90 years.
  17. The Everyday Memory Survey (EMS) is a set of rating scales designed to assess everyday memory in adults.
  18. The objective of this test is to evaluate the normal and pathological course of the neuropsychological development of various cognitive processes in the preschool stage, such as: attention, memory, language, motor skills, and executive functions.
  19. Delis Rating of Executive Functions, Adult (D–REF Adult) lets you quickly and easily administer, score, and report the frequency of observed behaviors that identify executive function problems in adults.
  20. The Activity Measure for Post-Acute Care (AM-PAC®) measurement system was developed by researchers at Boston University’s Health and Disability Research Institute to assess activity limitation across post-acute care settings. The AM-PAC® is based on the conceptual framework outlined in the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), which describes activity limitation as “difficulty in the execution of a task or action by an individual”.

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