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- The Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile® was developed to evaluate sensory processing patterns in the very young. The results provide understanding of how sensory processing affects the child’s daily functioning performance.
- The Early Screening Inventory-Revised 2008 Edition (ESI-R) is an individually administered screening instrument to identify children who may need special education services to perform successfully in school.
- A preferred testing method, Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals® Preschool-2 (CELF® Preschool-2) assesses aspects of language necessary for preschool children to transition to the classroom.
- Mullen Scales of Early Learning is a developmentally integrated system that assesses language, motor, and perceptual abilities, measures cognitive ability and motor development quickly and reliably
- Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning™ Fourth Edition (DIAL™-4) is a global screener for assessing large groups of children quickly and efficiently.
- Peabody Developmental Motor Scales Second Edition (PDMS-2) combines in-depth assessment with training or remediation of gross and fine motor skills of children from birth through 5 years.
- PLS™-5 Preschool Language Scales Fifth Edition offers a comprehensive developmental language assessment with items that range from pre-verbal, interaction-based skills to emerging language to early literacy.
- Bracken Basic Concept Scale | Third Edition: Receptive evaluates a child’s acquisition of basic concepts nonverbally. The tested areas are strongly related to cognitive and language development as well as early childhood academic achievement.
- Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals® Preschool-2 Spanish is a comprehensive language evaluation for Spanish-speaking preschool children. CELF Preschool-2 Spanish is a parallel edition to the CELF Preschool-2, not a translation.
- Brief and easy to administer, the Bracken School Readiness Assessment Third Edition helps determine if a child is ready for school.
- Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development® | Third Edition (Bayley®-III), is a comprehensive tool to identify development issues during early childhood.
- The Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development™ Screening Test Third Edition (Bayley-III™ Screening Test) quickly determines if a child is on track developmentally or if further, more comprehensive assessment is needed.
- Early Screening Profiles (ESP) is an indispensable tool that uses multiple domains, settings, and sources to measure cognitive, language, motor, self-help, and social development.