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  • Developmental/Early Childhood

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  1. Internationally respected and backed by decades of research and clinical use, the Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, Sixth Edition (BEERY™ VMI) helps assess the extent to which individuals can integrate their visual and motor abilities.
  2. WSS Work Sampling System® 4th Edition helps systematically document children's skills, knowledge, behavior and academic accomplishments.
  3. Assess early literacy skills more easily and effectively with children as young as three with Get Ready to Read!™ Revised.
  4. Miller Function and Participation Scales (M-FUN) assesses a child’s functional performance related to school participation.
  5. Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory assesses key functional capabilities and performance in children ages 6 months to 7 years. PEDI is also useful for older children whose functional abilities are lower than those of seven-year-olds without disabilities.
  6. The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Fourth Edition (PPVT™-4) is the outstanding vocabulary assessment unsurpassed for nearly a half century.
  7. ASA™ is a tool for early identification of young children who might be at risk for auditory skill deficits and/or early literacy skill difficulties.
  8. Bracken Basic Concept Scale Expressive is a verbal response test of a child’s basic concepts skills expressively. BBCS:E helps determine cognitive and language development, for assessing childhood academic achievement.
  9. Brief and easy to administer, the Expressive Vocabulary Test Second Edition (EVT-2) is designed to coordinate with the PPVT-4.
  10. Assist parents to become keener observers of developmental milestones. The Ounce Scale provides a structure to help parents observe a range of relevant behaviors in their child’s growth.
  11. The Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile® was developed to evaluate sensory processing patterns in the very young. The results provide understanding of how sensory processing affects the child’s daily functioning performance.
  12. The Early Screening Inventory-Revised 2008 Edition (ESI-R) is an individually administered screening instrument to identify children who may need special education services to perform successfully in school.
  13. The Kaufman Survey of Early Academic and Language Skills (K-SEALS) is a valuable tool for testing school readiness, identifying gifted children, evaluating program effectiveness, and researching children’s early development.
  14. A preferred testing method, Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals® Preschool-2 (CELF® Preschool-2) assesses aspects of language necessary for preschool children to transition to the classroom.
  15. Mullen Scales of Early Learning is a developmentally integrated system that assesses language, motor, and perceptual abilities, measures cognitive ability and motor development quickly and reliably
  16. Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning™ Fourth Edition (DIAL™-4) is a global screener for assessing large groups of children quickly and efficiently.
  17. Work Sampling for Head Start™ | Fourth Edition is a curriculum-embedded assessment to help document developmental skills, knowledge, behavior and academics.
  18. Peabody Developmental Motor Scales Second Edition (PDMS-2) combines in-depth assessment with training or remediation of gross and fine motor skills of children from birth through 5 years.
  19. PLS™-5 Preschool Language Scales Fifth Edition offers a comprehensive developmental language assessment with items that range from pre-verbal, interaction-based skills to emerging language to early literacy.
  20. Bracken Basic Concept Scale | Third Edition: Receptive evaluates a child’s acquisition of basic concepts nonverbally. The tested areas are strongly related to cognitive and language development as well as early childhood academic achievement.
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