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  • MTSS/RTI/PBIS Benchmarking

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  1. The BASC™ Social Wellness Skills System (BASC SWSS) provides a method of building children’s responsive resiliency through the promotion of behavioral and emotional wellness.
  2. The SSIS™ SEL family of assessments starts with universally screening groups of children. Each integrated component allows you to conduct comprehensive individual evaluations, plan interventions, provide support, and continue monitoring.
  3. The BASC-3 family of assessment starts with universal screening groups of children. Each integrated component allows you to conduct comprehensive individual evaluations, plan interventions, provide support, and continue monitoring.
  4. Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen™ is an efficient, reliable, and user-friendly dyslexia test for K‐3 students who may be at risk for reading difficulties.
  5. Review360® is a platform that supports students’ progress towards academic, behavioral, and social-emotional growth with the implementation of a systematic MTSS process for problem-solving, data-based decision-making, and equitable practice.
  6. The Oral Language Acquisition Inventory Second Edition (OLAI-2) continues the OLAI tradition of using quick and simple criterion-referenced assessment tasks to evaluate language and learning behaviors in order to drive effective instruction and/or intervention.
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