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21 - 26 of 26 results

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  1. Bruininks Motor Ability Test (BMAT™) is an individually administered, standardized test of gross and fine motor skills for adults. It's an adaptation of the trusted BOT™-2.
  2. Loops and Other Groups: A Kinesthetic Writing System helps students with learning disabilities and perceptual delays learn cursive writing along with their nondisabled peers in a typical mainstreamed classroom.
  3. The Minnesota Handwriting Assessment analyzes handwriting skills with first and second grade students.
  4. SPSC Sensory Profile School Companion provides school-based clinicians the ability to evaluate a child’s sensory processing skills and how these skills affect the child’s classroom behavior and performance.
  5. Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development® | Third Edition (Bayley®-III), is a comprehensive tool to identify development issues during early childhood.
  6. The Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development™ Screening Test Third Edition (Bayley-III™ Screening Test) quickly determines if a child is on track developmentally or if further, more comprehensive assessment is needed.
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3741 - 3760 of 3770 results

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