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  • Personality & Biopsychosocial

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41 - 55 of 55 results

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  1. Hare P-SCAN Research Version (P-SCAN) Checklist Version helps individuals in the mental health and corrections environments systematize what many already do: form impressions and draw conclusions on the basis of their knowledge and their experience about patients, offenders, and suspects.
  2. Beck Anxiety Inventory® (BAI®) is a brief, self report assessment for measuring anxiety severity and level.
  3. The Millon® Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic (MBMD®) helps provide a broader understanding of the personal reality that each patient faces and enables clinicians to develop tailored treatment recommendations.
  4. MMPI®-2 The Minnesota Report™: Revised Personnel System | Third Edition presents in-depth, occupation-specific information with tailored reports for six public safety fields.
  5. PCL-SV™ provides a time-efficient, cost-effective screener. Highly correlated with the PCL-R test, the PCL:SV test takes about half as long to administer and is an effective screener for psychopathic (antisocial) disorders.
  6. Clark-Beck Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory (CBOCI) is a reliable measure of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. It is an efficient and accurate screener designed to identify obsessive and compulsive symptoms in individuals ages 17 and older.
  7. Quickly screen for depression in adolescents and adults with the new BDI® – FastScreen for Medical Patients.
  8. Brief Battery for Health Improvement 2 (BBHI™ 2) is a brief diagnostic tool well-suited for assessment of validity, physical symptoms, psychological, character, environment, and social factors that can impact response to normal course of treatment and recovery of patients.
  9. The Beck Depression Inventory® is a brief, self-report inventory designed to measure the severity of depression symptomatology.
  10. Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation® (BSS®) is an evaluation of suicidal thinking that helps identify individuals at risk. It also helps measure a broad spectrum of attitudes and behaviors.
  11. The new Beck Youth Inventories™ Second Edition (BYI-2) uses five self-report inventories to assess symptoms of depression, anxiety, anger, disruptive behavior, and self-concept in children and adolescents.
  12. Beck Hopelessness Scale® measures negative attitudes about the future. Responding to the 20 true or false items on the (BHS®), patients can either endorse a pessimistic statement or deny an optimistic statement.
  13. The Millon® Adolescent Personality Inventory (MAPI®) is a normed assessment of adolescent personality characteristics.
  14. Battery for Health Improvement 2 (BHI™ 2) presents concise, coordinated assessments of the biopsychosocial issues most relevant in evaluating patients with injuries.
  15. The Porteus Maze series is a brief, nonverbal test of mental ability that yields information useful in assessing a person’s ability to plan and to change problem-solving approaches.
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