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  • Speech & Language
  • Interventions

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  1. The Bridge of Vocabulary 2: Evidence-based Activities for Academic Success is a completely digital, evidence-based set of vocabulary activities designed specifically for both general and special education professionals.
  2. Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test™ Fifth Edition (PPVT™-5) is a norm-referenced and individually administered measure of receptive vocabulary based on words in Standard American English.
  3. Expressive Vocabulary Test Third Edition (EVT-3) is a norm-referenced and individually administered test of expressive vocabulary and word retrieval based on words in Standard American English.
  4. Review360® for Speech Language Pathologists helps meet data monitoring and compliance requirements and realize developmental progress for students with speech, language, and hearing disorders.
  5. Evidence-Based Practice Briefs (EBP Briefs) is a journal meant for busy clinicians who need to evaluate the best evidence and make the best decisions in the shortest possible time.
  6. The Bridge of Vocabulary offers the only explicit vocabulary intervention program tied to evidence-based research and curriculum standards and developed for both general and special educators.
  7. The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Fourth Edition (PPVT™-4) is the outstanding vocabulary assessment unsurpassed for nearly a half century.
  8. Brief and easy to administer, the Expressive Vocabulary Test Second Edition (EVT-2) is designed to coordinate with the PPVT-4.
  9. WriteToLearn’s automated assessments, scoring, and reporting do the work for you so you can spend more time teaching and less time grading.
  10. The Oral Language Acquisition Inventory Second Edition (OLAI-2) continues the OLAI tradition of using quick and simple criterion-referenced assessment tasks to evaluate language and learning behaviors in order to drive effective instruction and/or intervention.

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81 - 100 of 3770 results

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  1. COGMED1-141 | Qualification Level B
  2. AIMPLSRDCSUB | Qualification Level B
  3. AIMPLSMDCSUB | Qualification Level B