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  1. The BASC™ Social Wellness Skills System (BASC SWSS) provides a method of building children’s responsive resiliency through the promotion of behavioral and emotional wellness.
  2. Conners 4th Edition (Conners 4™) provides a comprehensive assessment of symptoms and impairments associated with ADHD and common co-occurring problems and disorders in children and youth aged 6 to 18 years.
  3. The SSIS™ SEL family of assessments starts with universally screening groups of children. Each integrated component allows you to conduct comprehensive individual evaluations, plan interventions, provide support, and continue monitoring.
  4. The BASC-3 family of assessment starts with universal screening groups of children. Each integrated component allows you to conduct comprehensive individual evaluations, plan interventions, provide support, and continue monitoring.
  5. SSIS™ Social-Emotional Learning Edition (SSIS SEL) is a comprehensive, evidence-based, social-emotional learning system that assesses key academic skills and integrates the different components with an aligned, multi-tiered intervention.
  6. BASC-3 Flex Monitor is a new, flexible way to monitor changes in behavior and emotional functioning. It enables psychologists and professionals in school or clinical environments to monitor and track effects of behavioral intervention plans.
  7. BASC-3 Intervention Guide & Materials provides school psychologists with extensive information on the most common behavioral and emotional issues.
  8. The BASC-3 Parenting Relationship Questionnaire (BASC-3 PRQ) captures parental perspective on the parent-child relationship.
  9. The BASC-3 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BASC-3 BESS) offers a reliable, quick, and systematic way to determine behavioral and emotional strengths and weaknesses of children and adolescents in preschool through high school.
  10. A comprehensive set of rating scales and forms, BASC-3 helps you understand the behaviors and emotions of children and adolescents.
  11. The Sensory Profile™ 2 family of assessments provides standardized tools to help evaluate a child's sensory processing patterns in the context of home, school, and community-based activities.
  12. Review360® is a platform that supports students’ progress towards academic, behavioral, and social-emotional growth with the implementation of a systematic MTSS process for problem-solving, data-based decision-making, and equitable practice.
  13. Resiliency Scales for Children & Adolescents™ A Profile of Personal Strengths (RSCA) is a tool to profile personal strengths, as well as vulnerability in teens and children.
  14. The Sensory Profile™ helps you understand a child’s sensory processing patterns in everyday situations and profile the sensory system’s effect on functional performance for diagnostic and intervention planning.
  15. Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile® helps measure sensory processing patterns and effects on functional performance.
  16. The Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile® was developed to evaluate sensory processing patterns in the very young. The results provide understanding of how sensory processing affects the child’s daily functioning performance.
  17. The Social Skills Improvement System SSIS™ Performance Screening Guide fills the need for a time-efficient, technically sound tool for classwide screening of key social, motivational, and academic skills.
  18. The Social Skills Improvement System Classwide Intervention Program provides interventions that focus on the top 10 social skills.
  19. The Social Skills Improvement System (SSIS) Rating Scales enable targeted assessment of individuals and small groups to help evaluate social skills, problem behaviors, and academic competence.
  20. SPSC Sensory Profile School Companion provides school-based clinicians the ability to evaluate a child’s sensory processing skills and how these skills affect the child’s classroom behavior and performance.
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