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- The PEDI-CAT is a computer adaptive caregiver report which measures Daily Activities, Mobility, Social/Cognitive, and Responsibility. It’s designed for use with children and youth with a variety of physical and/or behavioral conditions.
- Social Cognition include tests for abilities such as facial recognition, name-face association, prosody, and theory of mind that are important aspects of social functioning.
- Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales Third Edition is the leading instrument for supporting the diagnosis of intellectual and developmental disabilities. Vineland-3 not only aids in diagnosis, but provides valuable information for developing educational and treatment plans.
- The Sensory Profile™ 2 family of assessments provides standardized tools to help evaluate a child's sensory processing patterns in the context of home, school, and community-based activities.
- Gilliam Autism Rating Scale | Third Edition (GARS-3) is one of the most widely used instruments for the assessment of autism spectrum disorder in the world. The GARS-3 assists teachers, parents, and clinicians in identifying autism in individuals and estimating its severity.
- Advanced Clinical Solutions for the WAIS®-IV and WMS®-IV enhances the clinical utility and expands the construct coverage of these respected tests.
- The Sensory Profile™ helps you understand a child’s sensory processing patterns in everyday situations and profile the sensory system’s effect on functional performance for diagnostic and intervention planning.
- Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile® helps measure sensory processing patterns and effects on functional performance.
- The Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile® was developed to evaluate sensory processing patterns in the very young. The results provide understanding of how sensory processing affects the child’s daily functioning performance.
- The Autism Spectrum Rating Scales (ASRS™) provides the first nationally standardized, norm-referenced ASD Rating Scale. This multi-informant measure helps identify symptoms, behaviors, and associated features of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) in children and adolescents aged 2 to 18 years.
- SPSC Sensory Profile School Companion provides school-based clinicians the ability to evaluate a child’s sensory processing skills and how these skills affect the child’s classroom behavior and performance.
- Childhood Autism Rating Scale | Second Edition is a brief rating scale that helps identify autism in children. CARS2 offers an easy-to-use tool that helps distinguish from developmentally disabled children who are not autistic, giving quantifiable ratings based on direct behavior observation.