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  1. DEST-2, DST-J and DST-S are now published by the authors, Drs. Angela Fawcett and Rod Nicolson.
  2. The SPELL-3 assessment allows you to link assessment to intervention and devote instructional time only where it’s needed. Assessment results provide deep word study analysis and specific spelling patterns to address and then points to the ready-to-go curriculum for immediate use.
  3. The Bayley-III en español (Spanish), normed in Spain, thanks to their excellent psychometric properties and quantitative scoring system, are ideal for monitoring the child's skills and strengths, as well as areas for improvement, by interdisciplinary teams.
  4. The CELF-5 en español (Spanish), normed in Spain, is the most comprehensive assessment tool for the identification, diagnosis, and follow-up evaluation of language and communication disorders for children and adolescents ages 5–15.
  5. The BSRA–4 systematically assesses a child’s readiness for school by evaluating understanding of important foundational academic concepts: colors, letters, numbers/counting, sizes/comparisons, shapes, and self/social awareness.
  6. The Bracken Basic Concept Scale, Fourth Edition: Receptive (BBCS–4:R) is a developmental assessment designed to evaluate children's school readiness in terms of their understanding of basic concepts that are strongly related to early childhood cognitive and language development as well as early academic achievement.
  7. Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals® Preschool-3 Screening Test (CELF® Preschool-3 Screening Test) quickly identifies children at risk for a language disorder.
  8. An assessment of a child’s spoken language skills (semantics and grammar; listening, organizing, and speaking; and overall language ability).
  9. The Bayley-4 Screening Test can quickly determine if a child is on track developmentally or if further, more comprehensive assessment is needed.
  10. Bayley™-4 is the most comprehensive assessment tool for determining developmental delays in children.
  11. The Bridge of Vocabulary 2: Evidence-based Activities for Academic Success is a completely digital, evidence-based set of vocabulary activities designed specifically for both general and special education professionals.
  12. Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test™ Fifth Edition (PPVT™-5) is a norm-referenced and individually administered measure of receptive vocabulary based on words in Standard American English.
  13. Expressive Vocabulary Test Third Edition (EVT-3) is a norm-referenced and individually administered test of expressive vocabulary and word retrieval based on words in Standard American English.
  14. Versant™ tests include automated spoken and written language assessments, easily taken over phone or computer, suiting large groups of non-native speakers for screening, admissions, placement, or training purposes.
  15. Oral Passage Understanding Scale (OPUS™) assesses listening comprehension in children and young people.
  16. The Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language Second Edition (CASL®-2) measures spoken language across four structural categories: Lexical/Semantic, Syntactic, Supralinguistic and Pragmatic Language.
  17. The Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation Third Edition, Spanish (GFTA™-3 Spanish) provides accurate results for making diagnostic and placement decisions.
  18. Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen™ is an efficient, reliable, and user-friendly dyslexia test for K‐3 students who may be at risk for reading difficulties.
  19. The Preschool Language Scales-5 Screening Test for Early Childhood Educators (PLS™-5) helps screen a broad spectrum of speech and language skills for children.
  20. The Preschool Language Scales-5 Spanish Screening Test for Early Childhood Educators (PLS-5) can help screen a broad spectrum of speech and language skills for Spanish-speaking children.
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