Q-interactive, Pearson's 1:1 iPad Based Assessment System
Q-interactive®- Q-interactive is a comprehensive digital system that can be used to administer and score tests traditionally given by an examiner in one-on-one settings. The Q-interactive library includes WISC-V, WAIS-IV, CELF-5, and a host of other tests.
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Onsite, virtual & on-demand trainings
6 options
from $95.00
Q-interactive Essentials Live Webinar 3 Hours: April 11
A103000417774 Qualification Level AThis 3-hour session will provide an overview of the components essential to Q-interactive, including the Q-interactive Assess app and the Q-interactive website (qiactive.com). iPad settings will be reviewed to ensure that stimuli are displayed in a standardized manner. Participants will learn about the overall functionality of Q-interactive and the workflow process and learn how to create examinee profiles, assign and customize batteries within the system, sync to the Q-interactive Assess app, utilize built-in tools to administer assessments, and generate score reports. Participants will also learn how to access digital manuals and where to go for additional support.
A training consultant will contact you one week before the session date with the Zoom link for registration.
Q-Interactive Essentials Live Webinar 3 Hours: May 16
A103000419965 Qualification Level AFriday, May 16, 2025
12:00 pm – 3:00 pm ETThis 3-hour session will provide an overview of the components essential to Q-interactive, including the Q-interactive Assess app and the Q-interactive website (qiactive.com). iPad settings will be reviewed to ensure that stimuli are displayed in a standardized manner. Participants will learn about the overall functionality of Q-interactive and the workflow process and learn how to create examinee profiles, assign and customize batteries within the system, sync to the Q-interactive Assess app, utilize built-in tools to administer assessments, and generate score reports. Participants will also learn how to access digital manuals and where to go for additional support. Purchase your seat(s) by Tuesday, May 13.
Each learner in attendance will need a purchased seat.
A training consultant will contact you one week before the session date with the Zoom link for registration.
Q-Interactive Essentials Live Webinar 3 Hours: June 12
A103000419964 Qualification Level AThursday, June 12, 2025
12:00 pm – 3:00 pm ETThis 3-hour session will provide an overview of the components essential to Q-interactive, including the Q-interactive Assess app and the Q-interactive website (qiactive.com). iPad settings will be reviewed to ensure that stimuli are displayed in a standardized manner. Participants will learn about the overall functionality of Q-interactive and the workflow process and learn how to create examinee profiles, assign and customize batteries within the system, sync to the Q-interactive Assess app, utilize built-in tools to administer assessments, and generate score reports. Participants will also learn how to access digital manuals and where to go for additional support. Purchase your seat(s) by Monday, June 9.
Each learner in attendance will need a purchased seat.
A training consultant will contact you one week before the session date with the Zoom link for registration.
Q-interactive Essentials Live Webinar 3 Hours
A103000072486 Qualification Level AThis 3-hour session will provide an overview of the components essential to Q-interactive, including the Q-interactive Assess app and the Q-interactive website (qiactive.com). iPad settings will be reviewed to ensure that stimuli are displayed in a standardized manner. Participants will learn about the overall functionality of Q-interactive and the workflow process and learn how to create examinee profiles, assign and customize batteries within the system, sync to the Q-interactive Assess app, utilize built-in tools to administer assessments, and generate score reports. Participants will also learn how to access digital manuals and where to go for additional support. Price includes up to 30 people per session.
Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.
Q-interactive Essentials In Person 3 Hours
A103000072488 Qualification Level AThis 3-hour session will provide an overview of the components essential to Q-interactive, including the Q-interactive Assess app and the Q-interactive website (qiactive.com). iPad settings will be reviewed to ensure that stimuli are displayed in a standardized manner. Participants will learn about the overall functionality of Q-interactive and the workflow process and learn how to create examinee profiles, assign and customize batteries within the system, sync to the Q-interactive Assess app, utilize built-in tools to administer assessments, and generate score reports. Participants will also learn how to access digital manuals and where to go for additional support. Price includes up to 30 people per session.
Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.
Q-interactive Live Question and Answer Virtual 1 Hour
QNTRWEB Qualification Level APrice includes up to 30 people per session. This 1-hour Q&A session supports participants who have attended a previous session or are familiar with the platform. A Pearson expert will meet with participants to address follow-up questions and support specific assessment-related needs. To use the hour efficiently, participants may submit questions in advance. Q&A sessions do not include handouts or slides.
Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.
Q-interactive pricing consists of an annual license for each user and a per-subtest usage charge. Usage can be paid for using a pay-as-you-go method in which you are billed monthly, or a prepay method in which you estimate the total subtests for a license year and pay up front. Some additional materials are needed for administration (e.g., blocks, response booklets, etc.). When you purchase your first license, we provide you with a free starter kit that contains the materials for the tests you request access to.
Q-interactive requires an annual license, good for one year from the date of purchase, for users to gain access to the system. The annual fee is based on the number of tests you want access to and the number of users in your organization. You will need to purchase one license for each user that will administer assessments on the system.
Standard: Includes access to BBCS-4:R, BSRA-4, CELF-5, CELF Preschool-3, CVLT-3, CVLT-C, D-KEFS, EVT-3, GFTA-3, GFTA-3 Spanish, KLPA-3, KTEA-3, NEPSY-II, PPVT-5, RBANS Update, WAIS-5, WAIS-IV, WIAT-4, WISC-V, WISC-V Spanish, WMS-IV, WPPSI-IV, WRAT5
Academic: Includes access to our Academic tests: BBCS–4:R, BSRA–4, KTEA-3, WIAT-4, and WRAT5
Speech: Includes access to our Speech tests: BBCS-4:R, BSRA-4, CELF-5, CELF Preschool-3, EVT-3, GFTA-3/KLPA-3, GFTA-3 Spanish, and PPVT-5
For information on training licenses, please visit our TPP page.
Usage can be paid for using a pay-as-you-go method in which you are billed monthly, or a prepay model in which you estimate the total number of subtests you will give during the license year and pay up front for them. Prepay users are able to take advantage of volume discounting.
Get started!
Order, request a free trial, or contact the sales team.
Product Details
Q-interactive is a 1:1 iPad-based testing system that helps administer, score, and report 20 different clinical assessments, including WISC–V, WIAT–III, and CELF-5. The system is ideal for school and clinical psychologists, SLPs, and educational diagnosticians.
With Q-interactive, you can create personalized batteries at both the instrument and subtest levels that are proven to:
- Better serve your clients and evolve your practice.
- Minimize time spent on administering tests.
- Streamline workflow and reduce manual data entry.
- Quickly set up client profiles, manage test library, assign tests, and review
assessment data. - Improve administration accuracy and speed with real-time scoring and maximum flexibility.
- Minimize transport of cumbersome test kits.
- Eliminate the need for tracking and sharing of test kits.
- Sync data back to “Central,” the secure web portal, and generate reports.
Testing takes place on two iPads in an app called “Assess.” Use the first iPad to access test administration instructions, score and record responses, and control visual stimuli. The examinee uses the other iPad to view and respond to stimuli.
- Digitally captured responses.
- Immediate scores that enable you to adapt the assessment session to your client's needs.
- Permanent access to scores, all raw examinee responses, and any notes taken.
- Score reports can be generated and can be saved to computer for later access.
How it works
Step 1: Set up the assessment
Using Central, the Q-interactive secure web portal, administrators create client profiles and manage the test library. To create an assessment, administrators assign a test battery to a client. That assessment is then sent to the Assess app, where testing takes place.
Step 2: Administer the assessment
Assessments are administered using two iPads: one for you and for your client. The administrator uses the first iPad to score responses and control visual stimuli. The client uses the second iPad to view and respond to stimuli. Real-time scoring enables administrators to adapt the assessment session to a client's needs on the spot.
Step 3: Sync data and generate report
Once assessments are complete, data is synced back to Central, the administrative hub. From there, administrators have permanent access to scores, examinee responses, and any notes taken during the assessment. Score reports can also be viewed and saved for later access.
Test Components
Q-interactive offers an array of subtests for assessing ability, achievement, executive function, speech and language, memory, and neuropsychology. A starter kit is included with your initial Q-interactive license purchase. This kit includes the necessary materials needed to administer each test.
Download test reporting summary
View the complete library of Q-interactive subtests below. Click on any test to learn more or purchase.
Customer Success Stories
Read what our real customers have to say about our products
- WAIS-5 (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Fifth Edition)
- WAIS®-IV (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Fourth Edition)
- WISC®–V (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® - Fifth Edition)
- WISC®–V Spanish (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® - Fifth Edition Spanish)
- WPPSI™–IV (Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Intelligence™ - Fourth Edition)
- CELF®-5 (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals® - Fifth Edition)
- GFTA-3 (Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation – 3)
- KLPA-3 (Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis - Third Edition)
- GFTA-3 Spanish (Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation - Third Edition, Spanish)
- PPVT™-5 (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test - Fifth Edition)
- EVT-3 (Expressive Vocabulary Test - Third Edition)
- CELF Preschool-3 (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Preschool-3)
- BSRA–4 (Bracken School Readiness Assessment - Fourth Edition)
- BBCS–4:R (Bracken Basic Concept Scale - Fourth Edition: Receptive)
The following manipulative items, response booklets, and scoring templates are required for each test, and are included in your starter kit. To purchase additional materials, contact us.
Please note that WPPSI-IV starter kits are not provided but can be purchased. Additional materials and starter kits are not required for the BSRA-4, BBCS-4:R, CVLT 3, GFTA-3, GFTA-3 Spanish, PPVT-5, and EVT-3.
Material Description
Observational Rating Scales (Pad of 50)
Reading and Writing Supplement - Ages 8-10 (Pkg of 25)
Reading and Writing Supplement - Ages 11-21 (Pkg of 25)
Material Description
D-KEFS Stimulus Book
Design Fluency Test Response Booklets (Pkg of 25)
Trail Making Response Booklets – Condition 1 (Pkg of 25)
Trail Making Response Booklets – Condition 2 (Pkg of 25)
Trail Making Response Booklets – Condition 3 (Pkg of 25)
Trail Making Response Booklets – Condition 4 (Pkg of 25)
Trail Making Response Booklets – Condition 5 (Pkg of 25)
Material Description
Comprehensive Response Booklet Form A (Pkg of 25)
Comprehensive Response Booklet Form B (Pkg of 25)
Comprehensive Written Expression Level 2 Booklet Form A (Pkg of 10)
Comprehensive Written Expression Level 2 Booklet Form B (Pkg of 10)
Comprehensive Written Expression Level 3 Booklet Form A (Pkg of 10)
Comprehensive Written Expression Level 3 Booklet Form B (Pkg of 10)
Comprehensive Written Expression Level 4 Booklet Form A (Pkg of 10)
Comprehensive Written Expression Level 4 Booklet Form B (Pkg of 10)
Material Description
Response Booklet (Ages 3-4) (Pkg of 25)
Response Booklet (Ages 5-16) (Pkg of 25)
NEPSY-II Card Sets
NEPSY-II Memory Grid Update 2011
Material Description
Form A Q-i Record Form (Pkg of 25)
Form B Q-i Record Form (Pkg of 25)
Form C Q-i Record Form (Pkg of 25)
Form D Q-i Record Form (Pkg of 25)
Material Description
WAIS-5 Response Booklet #1 (Pkg of 25)
WAIS-5 Coding Scoring Template
WAIS-5 Symbol Search Scoring Key
Wechsler Red/White Kohs Block Set-9
Material Description
Response Booklet #1 (Pkg of 25)
Response Booklet #2 (Pkg of 25)
Cancellation Scoring Key
Coding Scoring Key
Symbol Search Scoring Key
Wechsler Standard Block Set
Material Description
Response Booklets (Pkg of 25)
Material Description
Response Booklet 1 - Coding and Symbol Search (Pkg of 25)
Coding Scoring Template
Search Scoring Template
Response Booklet 2 - Cancellation (Pkg of 25)
Cancellation Scoring Template
Wechsler Standard Block Set
*Please note: this item is free of charge for WISC-V Q-interactive Customers. Please contact us to receive your complimentary item.
Material Description
Response Booklet 1 - Coding and Symbol Search (Pkg of 25)
Coding Scoring Template
Search Scoring Template
Material Description
Response Booklets (Pkg of 25)
WMS-IV Complete Card Set
WMS-IV/BCSE Scoring Template
Memory Grid Update 2011
Material Description
Picture Memory Stimulus Book
WPPSI-IV Block Design Set
Response Booklets 1 & 2 (Pkg of 25)
Response Booklet 3 (Pkg of 25)
Animal Coding Scoring Key
Bug Search Scoring Key
Cancellation Scoring Key
Object Assembly Puzzle Set
Zoo Locations Cards
Zoo Locations Layout Set
Orange Dauber
Material Description
Blue Form Response Booklet (Pkg of 25)
Green Form Response Booklet (Pkg of 25)
Q-interactive is grounded in research and backed by rigorous studies. Take an in-depth look at Q-interactive with our collection of reports, studies, and whitepapers:
Technical Reports
- Q-interactive® Special Group Studies: The WISC®–V and Children With Specific Learning Disorders in Reading or Mathematics
- Q-interactive® Special Group Studies: The WISC®–V and Children with Intellectual Giftedness and Intellectual Disability
- Q-interactive® Special Group Studies: The WISC®-V and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Accompanying Language Impairment or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
After working with Q-interactive, clinicians have enthusiastically shared their perspective with their peers. Q-interactive has been featured in the following publications:
- Raw-Score Equivalence of Computer-Assisted and Paper Versions of WISC-V
- Cognitive Assessment Leaps Into the Digital Age
- The Evolution of Psychological Testing: Embarking on the Age of Digital Assessment
- Q-interactive and the Undiscovered Country: A conversation on the new digital platform for assessment
- Assess: A review of Pearson's Q-interactive program
- Q-interactive and Digital Assessment
- The Initial Digital Adaptation of the WAIS-IV
- Q-interactive Data Flow
System Requirements
System Requirements
Q-interactive requires two Apple iPads that use iPadOS 16 or higher and have at least 64GB of storage.
Tablet Requirements
Network Requirements
Large organizations may need to configure specific aspects of their network environment so that the Assess application can share information between the client and practitioner devices. Please reference the network requirements document below for more information.
Browser Requirements
- IE (Internet Explorer) 11 or above
- Safari 9 or above
- Edge any
- Chrome 38 or above
- Firefox 27 or above
Recommended accessories
For the best assessment experience, we recommend the following iPad accessories:
- One stylus for writing notes and capturing examinee responses
- Two anti-glare screen covers to minimize glare from interior lighting
- Two durable cases to protect iPads
Single Sign On
Single sign-on integration is currently available for organizations within the United States. If you are interested in this service, please complete our form and we will be in contact with you.
Protecting your information
Keeping your data and your client's information safeguarded is our top priority. Security is built into Q-interactive through technical, administrative, and even physical safeguards. Data stored on Q-interactive complies with the standards established in the HIPAA Security Regulations and is in accordance with the HITECH Act applicable to Business Associates.
Don’t see what you’re looking for in the FAQs below? Contact us.
Transitioning to the NEW Q-interactive Assess App? Read the FAQs.
Becoming a Q-interactive User
You can place your order here or by calling 1-800-627-7271 and pressing “1.” Q-interactive pricing consists of an annual license for each user and a per-subtest usage charge. Usage can be paid for using a pay as you go method in which you are billed monthly, or a prepay method in which you estimate the total subtests for a license year and pay up front. Your license comes with a FREE starter kit that includes response booklets and other manipulative items required to administer subtests (retail value over $750).
If you are a current Pearson customer, you will not need to complete a Pearson Qualification Form. When your Q-interactive account is set up, Pearson Customer Service will make sure your existing qualification level is applied to the Q-interactive account. This will permit you to access all digital assessments and subtests within Q-interactive that are within your qualification level.
If you are a new customer to Pearson, you will need to complete a New Qualification.
You will receive the following with a Q-interactive Annual License:
- Unlimited access to practice mode
- Volume discounting on subtest administration
- Access to NEPSY-II and Children's Memory Scale upon request (only charged for subtest administration)
- Q-interactive Starter Kits for the tests you request access to
- Ongoing releases of new system features like enhanced scoring, checklists, etc.
- Training, including webinars, videos, and helpful tips
- Unlimited access to technical support
- Data storage within Pearson's secure Q-interactive environment
The cost of Q-interactive is a combination of an annual license fee and subtest usage. You can be billed monthly for your usage on a pay-as-you-go basis, or you can pre-pay for your usage when you purchase your license. Annual licenses and pre-paid usages are subject to volume discounts.
You are required to purchase a license for each user on your Q-interactive account that will be administering tests on the system. Admins and admin assistants who do not see clients do not have to pay for a license. To calculate your total price, determine the type of license you want and the total number of users who require that license. Add that to the number of usages you anticipate needing for the year to obtain your total price.
Yes, any unused subtests can be rolled over to the next year as long as you renew your license. If a license has not been renewed within 2 years of expiring, the additional subtests that were associated with it will expire as well.
Yes, we will prorate the access cost of the license for the user to the nearest full month. You can add users to your account by going here or by calling 1-800-627-7271 and pressing “1.”
Additional usages can be added to your account by calling 1-800-627-7271 and pressing “1.” If you do not purchase additional usages, you can continue to administer subtests and be billed at the end of your license term using the pre-paid usage pricing.
Yes, Q-interactive can be used in graduate training programs for $150. This provides the instructor and students with unlimited access to Q-interactive for the year. This special pricing is only available for coursework-based practice, not clinical use. Find the classroom order form here.
Internships and other training sites that are a part of the Training Partner Program (TPP) also have access to special pricing.
Yes, the RAP discount can be applied to Q-interactive orders. Click here to learn more about ordering Q-interactive through the RAP program.
The clinician's device must initially be connected to the Internet so batteries you prepared for your client in Q-interactive Central can be synched and downloaded. Once this synching has occurred, the iPads can be used off-line without Internet connectivity. Data gathered during an offline assessment will be saved locally (on the device) until it is reconnected to the Internet and synched back with Q-interactive Central. Be sure to use a secure Internet connection when using Q-interactive.
If you're in an environment with secure Wi-Fi connectivity, Q-interactive can stay connected to the Internet and will save your data both locally and to Q-interactive Central throughout the administration.
Each iPad uses a peer-to-peer connection to communicate with each other. They utilize your unique login to pair and connect. If multiple iPad devices are signed in using the same login, there is no way for them to clearly communicate with each other. Every user MUST use a unique, individual login. This is clearly stated within the licensing agreement signed by each account holder. Sharing logins is a violation of the licensing agreement and not recommended for security and privacy reasons.
Sharing logins causes technical issues that cannot be resolved by the Q-interactive team.
Test administration on Q-interactive takes place via two iPads that "talk" to each other via a Bluetooth connection. You use one to administer instructions, record and score responses, take notes, and control visual stimuli. Your client uses the other to view and respond to stimuli. Therefore, to use Q-interactive the following hardware is required:
- Two (2) Apple® iPad®s
- One (1) capacitive-enabled stylus
For an optimal testing experience, we recommend you also use:
- Antiglare screen covers to minimize glare from interior lighting
- Durable cases to protect the iPads
Finally, while a personal computer with access to the Internet through a standard browser is not strictly necessary to use Q-interactive, it can be helpful when creating assessment sessions, ordering subtests, and exporting data.
See our technical requirements page for a list of supported hardware and Internet browsers. As new digital devices become available, Pearson will test them to ensure compatibility with Q-interactive and update our requirements accordingly.
Pearson Clinical Assessment does not provide or sell any of the above hardware, all of which is available for purchase online and through retail stores that carry iPads.
Yes, you may use your own iPad as long as it meets our minimum requirements. Once you have purchased your Q-interactive license you may download the free Q-interactive Assess app from the App Store on to your iPads and use it along with all of your other applications.
Q-interactive is not currently available for Android tablet users. However, as the Android technology advances, opportunities to have Q-interactive available for Android tablets will be explored.
Our early piloting indicated that desktop and laptop computers interfered with clinician/client rapport. Using tablets allows us to maintain this clinical interaction and helps ensure the equivalence of paper and digital scores.
See our technical requirements page for a full listing of supported and recommended devices. We recommend that you purchase the newest iPad version you can afford, as applications typically perform better on newer devices.
The iPad Mini and iPad Pro can be used as practitioner devices only. Our equivalence studies were conducted using a standard iPad as the client device. Using the Mini or the Pro as a client device would change the size of the stimuli, and we have not evaluated whether this would change our equivalence study results. The 9.7 inch iPad Pro can be used as a client device because it is the same size as the standard iPad models.
Q-interactive has developed a variety of training opportunities, tailored to potential and new users. Overview webinars are available for customers interested in Q-interactive, and Onboarding webinars are available for new customers. See below for how to register for these webinars.
When set up with a Q-interactive account, all uses are sent a welcome email with links to user guides and quick start tutorials. Once you have logged into the qiactive.com, there is a Support tab that contains videos, user guides, and test manuals.
For the most current webinar schedule, view the most recent webinar schedule.
No! Q-interactive contains a Practice Mode that allows you to administer subtests for the purposes of practice free of charge. No scores are calculated or data saved for practice assessments, so they cannot be used for clinical purposes.
Yes! We offer a free 30-day trial for those interested in trying Q-interactive. Sign up for your free trial.
Q-interactive Overview
Q-interactive is a comprehensive digital system that can be used to administer and score tests that are traditionally given by an examiner in one-on-one settings (e.g., WISC-V, WAIS-IV, CELF-5, etc.). Testing takes place on two iPads in an app called Assess. You use the first iPad to access the test administration instructions, score and record responses, and control visual stimuli. The examinee uses the other iPad to view and respond to stimuli. Q-interactive also includes a website called Central, which is used to set up clients, generate reports for Assessments administered on the iPads, and store data long term.
View this overview video for a more detailed explanation of how Q-interactive works.
Q-interactive is used for the one-on-one administration of tests that require the examiner to control the testing session (e.g., WISC-V, WIAT-III, CELF-5, etc.). Tests are administered using two iPads and the examiner is in control of the session (reading instructions, recording examinee responses, and scoring items). Testing can be completed without a Wi-Fi connection. Q-global is an online system that is used to score tests administered in a paper format. It is also used for the on-screen administration of questionnaire-type tests that are self-guided by the examinee (e.g., BASC-3, MMPI-2, etc.). Q-global can be used on any device with an Internet connection.
Account Management
Yes, all accounts must have at least one admin, who can create new users, assign them to licenses, track usage in the account, and see test data for all of the examinees in the account. Q-interactive also has an admin assistant role. Admin assistants can create users, assign them to licenses, and track usage, but they cannot see any examinee test data. Accounts may contain multiple admins and admin assistants.
Usages cannot be assigned to individual users within the system. Instead, usages are assigned to licenses, and each license may be assigned to one or more users.
Due to legal requirements, every six months, you will be prompted to accept these policies upon log in. This alert will also display if changes are made to these policies. To accept these terms, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and tap on the acceptance box and then submit. If your organization has agreed to special terms with Pearson, those supersede the standard agreement that you accept when logging in.
The personally Identifiable Information (PII or PHI) collected includes only the information you provide when completing the Client Profile Form, test responses, and scores.
Client data is transferred from the iPad, using a secure connection, and stored in an encrypted database at Pearson's dedicated hosting facility in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in a secure Amazon Web Services cloud. All transfers to or from the web application to the iPad are automatically encrypted, using industry best practices.
Data stored in Canada accommodates the security requirements of U.S., Canadian, European Union and other global data privacy laws.
Pearson security for data stored on Q-interactive complies with the standards established by the HIPAA Security Regulations and in accordance with the HITECH Act applicable to Business Associates. The following types of general safeguards protect your personal data stored on Q-interactive:
- Administrative safeguards,
- Physical safeguards, and
- Technical safeguards.
Such data is secure on Q-interactive:
- When you access Q-interactive. The "https" Q-interactive site (Qiactive.com) and its database are password protected.
- During your administration of an assessment or battery. Your data is saved in an encrypted directory on the tablet device.
- Through a secure transmission. Q-interactive syncs the encrypted data from the encrypted tablet directory to the web application periodically over a secure (industry-standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Internet connection.
- With your stored data. Your data is protected utilizing encryption, physical security, and administrative safeguards.
Personally identifiable data or personal health information will not be used by Pearson for research, except with your express written permission and consent.
Pearson and its Q-interactive application comply with applicable security and privacy regulations as set out in both HIPAA and the HITECH Act for a Business Associate.
The Q-interactive Business Associate Addendum addresses all issues that became effective with the HITECH act changes in March 2013.
Yes. A primary goal of Q-interactive was to be able to link to the extensive previous research on the validity of the assessment tools offered through Q-interactive. In order to do this, scores on the digitally adapted administration must be comparable to those of the paper version. Having the exact same items allowed this to be possible.
Tests on Q-interactive use their original paper norms. Prior to making a subtest available on Q-interactive (unless an equivalent subtests has been validated as equivalent previously), Pearson conducts an equivalency study of the individual subtest to ensure the results of each subtest are equivalent whether a client takes the subtest on Q-interactive or in the traditional paper/pencil format. In the study of equivalence, subtest score differences between versions have resulted in effect sizes of less than .20. Pearson publishes the findings from each equivalency studies, which you can access on our licensing page.
Materials such as the Block Design blocks and Response Booklets are still required for a number of Q- interactive subtests. This allows us to maintain construct equivalence between the paper and digital versions of subtests. Moving forward, tests will likely be optimized for a digital experience and will no longer require paper materials.
When you purchase a new Q-interactive license, each user receives a free starter kit that contains the paper materials for the tests you request access to. Additional materials can be purchased by calling Pearson Customer Support. Take a look at the additional materials needed to administer each test on Q-interactive.
No. Because the Q-interactive version of WPPSI-IV requires a number of paper materials in order to maintain construct equivalence to the paper version, we do not send out WPPSI-IV starter kits with new orders. They can be purchased by calling Pearson Customer Support, but if you already own a WPPSI-IV kit you do not need to order a starter kit. All starter kit materials are identical to those available in the traditional paper test kit.
Administration and technical manuals for all tests on Q-interactive are available under the Support tab of qiactive.com. They are read only and cannot be downloaded or printed.
Yes! The Q-interactive designers took great care to ensure that most of the clinical flexibility available in the paper world would still be available digitally. You can choose to test limits at the end of a subtest without changing the total raw score, and you can override the system-suggested start points when beginning a subtest. The only limitation is that a subtest cannot be re-administered once it is complete, but a second subtest can be added to your battery at any time, and the score of that second administration will be used to calculate composite scores.
When you sync your data back to Central we create the equivalent of a digital record form, which includes all item level information such as verbatim responses, completion times, etc. This form is stored permanently and you can print it at any time.
Admins have the ability to delete entire clients or individual assessment sessions created by any user within their account. This is a permanent deletion from all databases and the data cannot be recovered once it has been deleted, so ensure that all data has been backed up prior to deleting a client.
No! You are provided the subtest scaled score as soon as you complete a subtest on the Assess app. In addition, composite scores are automatically calculated on Assess as soon as you have administered enough subtests to calculate a composite score. Once you sync data back to Central, you can automatically generate Word-based score reports that are identical to what you would obtain from Q-global or traditional scoring software. This includes the ability to generate PSW or AAD analyses across tests like the WISC-V and WIAT- III. There is no additional charge for score reports, though the WISC-V Interpretive Report can be created for 1 usage or $1.50.
At this time Q-interactive does not have group export functionality. We are continually adding features for Q- interactive and will consider this for a future release.
Syncing data using the “Sync” button backs up all of the data that is on your iPad’s to the Central server. In addition, if testing with a Wi-Fi connection the Assess app periodically background syncs data from the iPad to Central. Removing data using the “Remove” button permanently removes it from the iPad and backs it up to the Central server. Once data is removed from the iPad, you can no longer change the scores of individual items or remove audio, so cases should be removed only once you have completed those activities.
Keyboard & Voice to Text
Although the impact of using a keyboard or voice to text during administration on test scores has not been studied, there is potential for variability compared with writing responses. If the examiner’s use of the keyboard appears to alter the client's response rate or test performance, the examiner can consider alternative recording methods. When appropriate, these may include options such as changing the type of keyboard (external/quiet touch or integrated) or opting to record responses by hand using the pencil icon.
It is possible that the Apple Dictation feature may not always accurately capture the examinee’s speech. It is important that examiners monitor this closely throughout administration and manually correct any errors. The transcription can be edited in real time or post administration through review mode.
NOTE: Audio recording cannot be used when the Apple Dictation feature is enabled. The Assess application will warn customers that audio will not be recorded if the Dictation feature is enabled.
No, the Dictation feature can only be accessed by using the Apple internal keyboard.
Yes, you need to disable sounds that are native to the Keyboard and Dictation features during test administration. To do this, swipe down from the top-right corner of the examiner's iPad screen and tap the Bell icon to activate Silent Mode. This will mute all keyboard and dictation sounds. Turn Silent Mode off when administering subtests that require audio. Silent Mode can also be enabled or disabled within Settings.
The following training events are available for Q-interactive.