Batería Neuropsicológica infantil | Segunda Edición, Spain Version

The NEPSY-II Spanish, Spain edition is a full comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation with a flexible administration approach and extended age range. It measures affect recognition as well as theory of mind.

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    All tests & materials offered for NEPSY-II Spain

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1 - 5 of 11 results
  • NEPSY-II Spain Q-global Paquete de Componentes (Digital)
    A103000223238 Qualification Level C

    Published by Pearson Spain; includes 2 Stimulus Books (Digital), 2 Administration Directions (Digital), 2 Manuals (Digital), and Audio Files for Auditory Attention and Response Set and Repetition of Nonsense Words subtests. Once ordered, the digital assets are accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. The Stimulus Books, Manuals, and Administration Directions are view-only digital files; the audio files should be downloaded to your device. To order a NEPSY-II Spain Complete Kit, order this item and A103000223249.


  • NEPSY-II Spain Paquete de Componentes (Print)
    A103000223249 Qualification Level C

    Published by Pearson Spain; includes 25 Record Forms Ages 3-4 (Print), 25 Record Forms Ages 5-16 (Print), 25 Response Booklets Ages 3-4 (Print), 25 Response Bookets Ages 5-16 (Print), 22 Memory for Designs Cards (Print), 8 Memory for Names Cards (Print), 8 Animal Sorting Cards (Print), Memory Grid, 12 Red Blocks Set, Pencil/Box Set, and Scoring Template for Design Copying, Design Fluency, and Clocks subtests. To order a NEPSY-II Spain Complete Kit, order this item and A103000223238.


    Estimated to ship:5-6 weeks
  • NEPSY-II Spain Q-global Cuaderno de Estimulos 1 y Instrucciones de Administracion con Archivos de Sonido (Digital)
    A103000223269 Qualification Level C

    Published by Pearson Spain; includes Atención auditiva y Flexibilidad cognitiva, Comprensión de instrucciones, Construcción de cubos, Denominación e identificación de partes del cuerpo, Descubrimiento de rutas, Flechas, Inhibición, Memoria de caras, Memoria de caras demorada, Memoria de diseños y Memoria narrativa. Once ordered, the digital assets are accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. The Stimulus Book is a view-only digital file; the administration directions are downloadable and includes audio files for Auditory Attention and Response Set and for Repetition of Nonsense Words subtest.


  • NEPSY-II Spain Q-global Cuaderno de Estimulos 2 y Instrucciones de Administracion (Digital)
    A103000223271 Qualification Level C

    Published by Pearson Spain; includes: Procesamiento fonológico, Puzles de imágenes, Puzles geométricos, Reconocimento de emociones, Relojes Teoría de la mente y Velocidad de denominación. Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. The Stimulus Book is a view-only digital file; the administration directions are downloadable.


  • NEPSY-II Spain Cuadernillos de Anotacion Edad 3-4 Anos Qty 25 (Print)
    A103000071446 Qualification Level C

    Published by Pearson Spain; includes 25 Record Forms for ages 3-4 (Print)


    Estimated to ship:5-6 weeks
  • NEPSY-II Spain Cuadernillos de Anotacion Edad 5-16 Anos Qty 25 (Print)
    A103000071447 Qualification Level C

    Published by Pearson Spain; includes 25 Record Forms for ages 5-16 (Print)


    Estimated to ship:5-6 weeks
  • NEPSY-II Spain Cuadernillos de Respuestas Edad 3-4 Anos Qty 25 (Print)
    A103000071448 Qualification Level C

    Published by Pearson Spain; includes 25 Response Booklets for ages 3-4 (Print)


    Estimated to ship:5-6 weeks
  • NEPSY-II Spain Cuadernillos de Respuestas Edad 5-16 Anos Qty 25 (Print)
    A103000071449 Qualification Level C

    Published by Pearson Spain; includes 25 Response Booklets for ages 5-16 (Print)


    Estimated to ship:5-6 weeks
  • NEPSY-II Spain Plantilla de Correccion para Copia de Disenos, Fluidez de Disenos y Relojes Qty 1 (Print)
    A103000071450 Qualification Level C

    Published by Pearson Spain; includes 1 scoring template for Design Copying, Design Fluency and Clocks (Print)


    Estimated to ship:5-6 weeks
  • NEPSY-II Spain Rejilla de Memoria Qty 1 (Print)
    A103000071451 Qualification Level C

    Published by Pearson Spain; includes 1 memory grid


  • NEPSY-II Spain Caja con Tarjetas: Clasificacion de Animales Qty 8, Memoria de Disenos Qty 22, y Memoria de Nombres Qty 8 (Print)
    A103000071452 Qualification Level C

    Published by Pearson Spain; includes 8 Animal Classification cards, 22 Design Memory cards and 8 Name Memory cards, (Print)


    Estimated to ship:5-6 weeks


Publication date:
Age range:
Qualification level:
Completion time:
 45 minutes to 3 hours
Digital assets on Q-global, paper record forms
Scoring options:
Manual scoring
Guidance on using this test in your telepractice

Product Details

Some components of this product are available to you exclusively via Q-global and the Spanish portfolio. Order processing for your first Spanish portfolio order may be delayed 1-2 business days. After your first order, processing time will be immediate. Have questions or need assistance right away? Contact our customer experience team at +1 (800) 627-7271.

Subtest scores assist in the differential diagnosis of childhood disorders such as ADHD, Pervasive Developmental Disorders (e.g., Asperger’s Disorder, Autistic Disorder), Language Disorder, Reading Disorder, brain injury, and mild intellectual disability.


  • Enables an accurate diagnosis and intervention planning for success in school and at home.
  • Flexible administration: The examiner can choose the type of administration desired: general, diagnostic, or full.
  • To provide a comprehensive view of neuropsychological processes in children and patterns of age-related quantitative and qualitative changes in neuropsychological performance
  • Facilitate recommendations for mental health interventions.


Divided into 6 domains, this battery is designed to help identify cognitive deficits in children and adolescents. It is no longer necessary to utilize different tests from various tools. The clinician can use a single battery and select among 32 subtests and four delayed tasks.

With the NEPSY-II it is now possible to choose the type of assessment:

  • General Assessment: provides a brief evaluation across the six domains (45 min. – 1 hour).
  • Selective and Diagnostic Assessment: the examiner can select individual subtests based on clinical needs, or adapt the evaluation based on the special needs depending on specific diagnoses (variable time).
  • Full Assessment: All the age-appropriate subtests are administered to the child or adolescent for a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation (90 min. – 3 hours).




Executive Function & Attention






Memory & Learning






Visuospatial Processing  



Social Perception/Cognition



Datos del producto

Ciertos componentes de este producto están disponibles exclusivamente a través de nuestra plataforma Q-global y el portafolio de productos en español. El procesamiento de su primer pedido del portafolio de productos en español puede retrasarse entre 1 y 2 días hábiles. Después de su primer pedido, el tiempo de procesamiento será inmediato. ¿Tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda de inmediato? Comuníquese con nuestro equipo de servicio al cliente en el +1 (800) 627-7271.

Los resultados obtenidos aportan información sobre trastornos infantiles típicos como TDAH, trastorno de la lectura, trastornos del lenguaje, autismo y trastorno de Asperger, daño cerebral y discapacidad intelectual leve.


  • Guiar diagnósticos precisos y planificar tratamientos, dentro y fuera del entorno educativo.
  • Una aplicación flexible: el examinador puede seleccionar el tipo de aplicación deseado: general, diagnóstica o exhaustiva.
  • Obtener una visión comprensiva de patrones de ejecución neuropsicológica, a nivel cuantitativo y cualitativo.
  • Realizar recomendaciones para intervenciones en salud mental.


Con 36 pruebas evaluadas en 6 diferentes dominios cognitivos, esta batería aporta información sobre trastornos infantiles en niños como en adolescentes. Ya no es necesario recurrir a distintas pruebas que proceden de diferentes herramientas, sino que con una sola batería el profesional puede evaluar, seleccionando entre 32 pruebas y 4 tareas de memoria demorada.

Con la NEPSY-II es posible elegir el nivel de aplicación:

  • Evaluación general: proporciona una evaluación breve a través de los 6 dominios (45 min. – 1 hora).
  • Evaluaciones diagnósticas y selectivas: el profesional puede elegir pruebas individuales para evaluar aspectos específicos o adaptarse a las necesidades de evaluación, o una batería específica de pruebas en función de diagnósticos concretos (tiempo variable).
  • Evaluación comprehensiva del estado neuropsicológico del niño, aplicando todas las pruebas apropiadas para su edad. (90 min. – 3 horas).




Atención y funciones ejecutivas






Memoria y aprendizaje



Funcionamiento sensoriomotor



Procesamiento visoespacial



Percepción social



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