Raven’s 2, Matrices progresivas de Raven | Segunda Edición, Spain Version

Raven’s 2 Spain
A simple, practical, and flexible way to assess intellectual ability in a non-verbal and culture-free approach. Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.

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- of 8 results
  • Raven's 2 Spain Manual (Print)
    A103000360647 Qualification Level B

    Published by Pearson Spain; includes Manual for administration, scoring, interpretation, and technical information.


  • Raven's 2 Spain Cuaderno de Estimulos (Print)
    A103000360648 Qualification Level B

    Published by Pearson Spain; includes stimulus items for administration.


  • Raven's 2 Spain Hoja de Respuestas Qty 25 (Print)
    A103000360649 Qualification Level B

    Published by Pearson Spain; includes 25 Answer Sheets for examinee responses.


  • Raven's 2 Spain Paquete de Componentes (Digital)
    A103000374034 Qualification Level B

    Published by Pearson Spain; includes Manual (Digital) and Stimulus Book (Digital). Once ordered, the digital assets are accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. They are view-only digital files. To order a Raven's 2 Spain Complete Kit, order this item and A103000360649 (Answer Sheets).


  • Raven's 2 Spain Q-global Administracion/Informe Qty 1 (Digital)
    A103000373188 Qualification Level B

    Published by Pearson Spain; includes 1 usage for the administration, scoring, and report for the Raven's 2 Spain version.


  • Raven's 2 Spain Q-global Cuaderno de Estimulos (Digital)
    A103000374032 Qualification Level B

    Published by Pearson Spain; once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


  • Raven's 2 Spain Q-global Manual (Digital)
    A103000374033 Qualification Level B

    Published by Pearson Spain; once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.


  • Raven's 2 Spain Juego Completo (Print Plus Digital)
    A103000388648 Qualification Level B

    Published by Pearson Spain; includes 1 Manual (Print), 1 Stimulus Book (Print), 25 Answer Sheets (Print), and 25 Q-global administration/score reports (Digital).



Publication date:
Age range:
Qualification level:
Completion time:
30-45 minutes
Manual and Online
Scoring options:
Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.

Product Details

Some components of this product are available to you exclusively via Q-global and the Spanish portfolio. Order processing for your first Spanish portfolio order may be delayed 1-2 business days. After your first order, processing time will be immediate. Have questions or need assistance right away? Contact our customer experience team at +1 (800) 627-7271.

The Raven’s 2 Spain provides a quick, effective, and efficient estimate of general cognitive ability.


  • Useful when a quick assessment of general cognitive ability is needed.
  • Great tool to test individuals who present communication disorders such as: speech and language disorders, hearing impairment, autism spectrum, among others.
  • Can be used in a variety of settings, such as testing culturally diverse population who dominate another language.
  • Identify giftedness and predict educational success.


  • Wide range of item difficulty to help identify intellectual disability and giftedness.
  • Individual or group settings administration. Shorter administration time that makes it a useful measure for both clinical and research settings.
  • Updated and colorized items, design, and norms.
  • Can be administered and scored online through our Q-global platform.

Datos del producto

Ciertos componentes de este producto están disponibles exclusivamente a través de nuestra plataforma Q-global y el portafolio de productos en español. El procesamiento de su primer pedido del portafolio de productos en español puede retrasarse entre 1 y 2 días hábiles. Después de su primer pedido, el tiempo de procesamiento será inmediato. ¿Tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda de inmediato? Comuníquese con nuestro equipo de servicio al cliente en el +1 (800) 627-7271.

La herramienta Raven’s 2 proporciona una estimación rápida, efectiva y eficiente de la capacidad cognitiva general.


  • Es útil cuando se requiere una evaluación rápida de la capacidad cognitiva general.
  • Es una gran herramienta para evaluar a las personas que presentan trastornos de la comunicación, tales como: trastornos del habla y del lenguaje, discapacidad auditiva, espectro autista, entre otros.
  • Se puede utilizar en una variedad de contextos, como al evaluar a poblaciones de diversas culturas que dominan otro idioma.
  • Hace posible identificar la dotación intelectual y predecir el éxito educativo.


Raven’s 2 es una herramienta que evalúa la aptitud cognitiva general independientemente del trasfondo lingüístico y cultural, ya que los ítems consisten en figuras geométricas universales.  

  • Una amplia gama de niveles de dificultad de ítems para ayudar a identificar la discapacidad o la dotación intelectuales
  • Administración para configuraciones individuales o grupales
  • Tiempo de administración reducido, lo cual la convierte en una medida útil tanto para entornos clínicos como de investigación
  • Normas, diseño e Ítems actualizados y a color
  • Administración y calificación en línea mediante nuestra plataforma Q-global

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