Receptive and Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Tests | Fourth Edition

  • Edited by Rick Brownell, MA

Receptive & Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Tests Fourth Edition (EOWPVT-4, ROWPVT-4) are individually administered, co-normed tests that help make accurate comparisons of a child’s receptive and expressive vocabulary skills.

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  • EOWPVT-4 Kit (Print)
    0158016513 Qualification Level B

    Includes Examiner's Manual (Print), Picture Test Plates (Print), 25 Record Forms (Print)


  • EOWPVT-4 Record Forms Qty 25 (Print)
    0158016521 Qualification Level B


  • ROWPVT-4 Kit (Print)
    015801653X Qualification Level B

    Includes Examiner's Manual (Print), Picture Test Plates (Print), 25 Record Forms (Print)


  • ROWPVT-4 Record Forms Qty 25 (Print)
    0158016548 Qualification Level B


  • ROWPVT-4 Kit Spanish Bilingual (Print)
    0158016610 Qualification Level B

    Includes Examiner's Manual (Print), Picture Test Plates (Print), 25 Spanish- Bilingual Record Forms (Print)


  • ROWPVT-4 Record Forms Spanish Bilingual Qty 25 (Print)
    0158016629 Qualification Level B


  • EOWPVT-4 Kit Spanish Bilingual (Print)
    0158016637 Qualification Level B

    Includes Examiner's Manual (Print), Picture Test Plates (Print), 25 Picture Spanish-Bilingual Record Forms (Print)


  • EOWPVT-4 Record Forms Spanish Bilingual Qty 25 (Print)
    0158016645 Qualification Level B



Publication date:
English 2010;Spanish-Bilingual 2012
Age range:
2:0 - 70+
Percentiles based on more than 2,000 individuals for the English edition
Qualification level:
Completion time:
15-25 minutes
Scoring options:
Manual scoring
Percentiles based on over 2,000 individuals
Other languages:

Product Details

The ROWPVT-4 tests an individual’s ability to match a spoken word with an image of an object, action, or concept. The EOWPVT-4 tests an individual’s ability to name, with one word, objects, actions, and concepts when presented with color illustrations.


  • Make accurate comparisons of a child’s receptive and expressive vocabulary skills.
  • Document vocabulary development.
  • Assess reading skill.
  • Screen for early language delay.
  • Examine word/concept retrieval in aphasia.
  • Obtain an indirect indication of some cognitive skills.
  • Evaluate intervention programs.


Both tests were standardized on English-speaking individuals ages 2 through 80+ years residing in the United States.

  • Each test includes 190 test items with full-color illustrations.
  • Spanish-Bilingual Editions are intended for use with a bilingual population of individuals who speak Spanish and English with varying levels of proficiency.
  • Test measures total acquired vocabulary; it is not a test of language proficiency.